ANNOUNCEMENT: BEAT ITS Extended Until July 15, 2018

BEAT Token
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2018

On February 20th 2018, MySports GmbH announced the BEAT token sale. Prior to releasing BEAT, MySports has already gathered over €20 million in private equity investment, and has been the fitness industry software market leader in Germany. However, as a pioneer in the digitalization of the fitness industry, we have learned that a lot of work has to be done to build an engaging community around a project from scratch.

After three months of hard work, our team has made substantial progress in both product development and creating valuable partnerships. However, while the work we have accomplished will aid us in the future, we feel that we underestimated the effort that should have been put into marketing and communication.

Therefore, after careful consideration, we are moving the deadline of our token sale from May 15th to July 15th, 2018 for the following reasons:

  1. Increase Our User Count

As we already have our partner ecosystems up and running, we would like to step up our marketing efforts to make sure that our product reaches the maximum number of users possible. By increasing user adoption, our data will become more valuable as we will be able to collect more data from a more diverse group of participants. As a result, we will be able to get more companies to participate in the BEAT ecosystem, which will subsequently increase the price of our tokens. This forms a reinforcing feedback loop as the growing value of the BEAT token will attract more users to join our ecosystem.

To increase our marketing efforts in those two extra months, we are bringing in more marketing expertise — just last week, we signed a contract with Paranoid Internet, a cryptocurrency marketing and consulting agency and the creators of the C3 Crypto Conference in Berlin. Paranoid Internet is known throughout the German startup and crypto industry as a community and ecosystem-builder. We are also engaging with several advisors for our project who have extensive experience in cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

2. Strengthen the BEAT Ecosystem

One thing we cannot compromise is the quality of the product itself. Over the last three months, we have been focusing on laying the foundations for Magicline, Germany’s leading fitness management platform, by utilizing BEAT’s revolutionary blockchain technology. This April, we incorporated 4 core aspects of the BEAT ecosystem in Magicline: Lead management, task planning, sales tool and shift planning. This addition enabled us to accelerate Magicline’s growth, especially since we are a SaaS company and, as we get more clients, more manpower would be required to manage each and every one of them. We also presented these features at the FIBO 2018 Exhibition, the world’s largest fitness fair, in Cologne. At the same time, we reached a significant milestone: The 3,000th fitness studio is now connected to the BEAT ecosystem via Magicline. Nonetheless, we still need more time for the whole ecosystem to reach its mature state.

3. Listing on Major Exchanges

Naturally, we would want our users to be able to start trading their BEAT tokens on major exchanges upon the end of the ITS main-sale. Therefore, we are in the progress of getting BEAT listed on several well-known exchanges in the crypto space. We have already submitted our application for BEAT to those exchanges and are awaiting a response.


If you haven’t noticed, our updated ITS end date is July 15th 2018 — the same day as the World Cup Final. This might strike you as a coincidence, but since we believe that sports is about health and connecting people, we are eagerly looking forward to the championship in Russia — who knows, we might even have a surprise planned for you during the special event!

Last but not the least, we also would like to thank each and every one of our loyal contributors for being with us all this while. As a token of appreciation, we will be introducing an exciting token bonus for our existing users! The timeline will be announced in the coming days!

  • All existing token holders will receive a 50% bonus on any purchased tokens they already own.
  • Existing token holders will also receive a unique referral link that will provide a 50% discount to anyone who purchases through that link (0,0095€ instead of the original price of 0,019€)
  • If any of their referrals purchase BEAT tokens, the users will receive a 50% Share of the Investment in BEAT tokens based on the original price of 0,019 EUR.
  • All new users will also receive a referral link that will give them a 25% referral bonus on any tokens that their referrals buy.



BEAT Token

DISRUPTING THE HEALTH AND SPORTS INDUSTRY - Unleash the value of verified health and sports data using cutting edge blockchain technology.