Beat Introduces New Translated Versions of the Website and Visits Asia!

We attended RISE Conference and made the BEAT Website available in Korean, Japanese, Chinese and German. Ukrainian is also coming soon!

BEAT Token
3 min readJul 11, 2018


Our advisor Dennis Weidner, CEO of Paranoid Internet, got the opportunity to travel to Hong Kong on a new Asian adventure where he will also be representing BEAT. Here, he will be attending the RISE Conference, which began on the 9th and will run until the 12th of July. According to Korea Times it is the largest tech conference in Asia. He is particularly looking forward to the great opportunities to meet face to face with our Blockchain and Crypto investors that the conference will provide!

Dennis Weidner (middle) at RISE Conf in Hong Kong

The first impressions of the conference were proved as exciting as anticipated. From introductions into AI and other digital tools by Digital Domain and announcements from Mercedes Benz about having achieved the first license to test autonomous vehicles in Beijing.

Dieter Zetsche, head of Mercedes Benz

Day 2 proved to be just as impressive, with lots more interesting insights to learn. WeChat, a messaging app with a focus on the Asian market (predominantly Macau, HK, Japan, Malaysia Main-Target and Chinese Tourists), highlighted the importance of creating a payment community rather than a payment method.

WeChat at RISE

Dr. Julian Hosp the co-founder of TenX, a cryptocurrency platform, and Joseph Lubin the co-founder of Ethereum hosted a discussion on “The surge of cryptocurrencies”. They expressed that you cannot expect to change the world in the early days (huge infrastructure transformations etc) without institutional money.

Julian Hosp and Joseph Lubin on ‘The surge of cryptocurrencies’ pannel

HTC certainly proved themselves to be a game changers with their introduction into their new crypto phone and Exdodus wallet. There will even be CryptoKitties coming soon to their new crypto phone! They also announced future partnerships with Bitmark Inc, a company that will ensure property rights for crypto property, and Animoca Brands, a mobile games creator.

Introducing latest updates from CriptoKitties

Our road to Asia is not yet over, so if you have any tips for networking opportunities, things to visit, people to meet whilst he is in Hong Kong we would greatly appreciate it. And, if you are also in Asia we would love it if you came to say hello!

Last but not least: our website is now also available in four more languages (Korean, Chinese, Japanese and German) — you simply have to click the down arrow at the top right of the screen and there you are. An edition in Ukranian is also coming soon. Visit our website and see our new translated webpages. We now have only four days left of the Token Sale — don’t forget to register to buy your tokens before it closes!

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