James 1:2–3

Matt Baxter
Beau’s Blog
Published in
7 min readSep 21, 2017


Thank you guys for coming back to check on Beau! Below are some of the recent updates since our last post.

August 29th

  • Brianna and I got to hold Beau skin to skin!
  • He also had another IV removed from him.
  • Oxygen tubes were added in replacement of his breathing tubes.
  • Audiologist said Beau has hearing in both ears, but will need a future follow-up.

August 31st

  • Beau finally gets his own room! Previously he was out in the central part of the NICU with the other babies. This was a great joy to walk in and see.

September 1st

  • Received some surprising, but fantastic news from the nurse watching him that when she looks at Beau and his current condition, she sees no reason why Beau should be here much longer.
  • She went on to say that Beau is probably the healthiest baby in the NICU. Brianna and I never would have thought to hear this so soon, but we were thrilled!

September 2nd

  • A new nurse tells us the same thing as what we heard from our previous nurse. She sees really no reason why Beau would have to be there at the NICU much longer.
  • One of the surgeons said that Beau has to meet milestones in order to go home. They are full feeds, no oxygen tube, and no secretion tube. *(we’ve since found out that he would be able to come home with a secretion tube)*

September 3rd

  • Beau got his replogle tube out today (this is the tube that sucks his secretions out). So far so good without the replogle!
  • We recorded our first videos of him on the new video camera we received from Nancy. Thank you for that!
  • We also did more of his occupational therapy today.

September 5th

  • Unfortunately, we found out from the morning rounds crew that Beau’s replogle had to go back in his throat. Discouraging, but better safe than sorry!
  • We had what felt like setback, hearing from one of the doctors that we need to embrace the conversation with the lead surgeon that there’s a strong likelihood of Beau being here a while. Both of our hearts sunk, especially after hearing from 2 other nurses saying he should be going home.
  • Pastor Mark and Pastor Andy from our church came to comfort us and prayed for us. Thank you again for that guys. It was great for Beau to be able to be with two Godly men who Brianna and I hold in the highest regard.
  • Afterwards, we spoke to the lead surgeon. Nancy gave a strong selling point to him before we got to the room. The surgeon informed us that insurance has to be able to cover necessary at home medical equipment and private duty nursing for Beau to be able to come home. This is great news! Our hope has been renewed!

September 8th

  • We found out that the doctors/surgeons wanted to up Beau’s feedings to increase his growth rate. They said he’s a little behind.
  • We also heard back from one of the social workers that she has processed everything for insurance matters. One step closer to trying to get him home!

September 14th

  • Beau put on 220g of weight! He is now nearly a pound over his birth weight.

September 19th

  • We were informed by one of the surgeons said that Beau’s broviac tube is finally coming out this week! Another tube that will be gone.
  • Another doctor informed us today that the documentation to insurance has been completed and signed off by the lead surgeon. We are trying to get you home son!


Where we’re currently at with Beau is simply playing the waiting game with insurance to see if they will cover the at home equipment/private duty nursing. We’ve strongly felt led that Beau was ready to come home from the moment we heard from the two nurses that they too felt he was ready to come home. There’s certainly been some opposition along the way, but we know that it will be in God’s will for him to come home when he’s able to.

We should be able to find out before the end of the week what insurance says, and what the next plan of attack will be. Our continued prayers have been for Beau’s esophagus to grow and for insurance to have gracious hearts to cover the expenses.

Brianna and I have felt a great deal of “unknown” throughout this process. What I mean by that is we don’t know what we’re going to wake up and find out. We don’t know when or what we’ll hear back from insurance. We don’t know if something will unexpectedly come up during the day. The good news however, is that we know we have Christ backing us and protecting/blessing our son.

I’m not sure where I heard or read this scripture at online, but it’s been incredible to meditate on. It comes from Exodus:

“Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.”

And the LORD said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.”

- ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭33:15, 17‬

Amen to that! Right? Think about how awesome that is. Moses just says, “God if you’re not with us, don’t send us.” That’s honestly where our hearts have been at. “God, we don’t know where you’re going to send us with Beau or what may happen in our day, but don’t send us without you.” And what’s great is that through this trial will come an abundance of joy. We know this because God’s Word says this.

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.”

-James 1:2-3

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for our son. He is our blessing, and we’re thankful for Your sovereignty in all of this.

We appreciate you taking the time to follow up to see how Beau’s been doing. Brianna and I are incredibly grateful for your support for our handsome man. It has been a tremendous help and blessing during this time for our family.

Stay tuned for an update soon. Below is a link to our introductory post detailing Beau’s story and complications, if you happened to miss it when we initially announced it. There are more photos to see as well if you scroll down a bit more.



Matt Baxter
Beau’s Blog

Jesus, husband, and now father. Follow along at Beau’s Blog http://bit.ly/2wUl6YJ