Experiencing The Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) For The First Time

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Caitlin McColl
beautiful choices


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My husband and I made the beautiful choice to try and see the Northern Lights last night!

Like I think the majority of those in a whole lot of the Northern Hemisphere last night experienced the Aurora Borealis. Perhaps many, like me, for the first time — if you live somewhere that doesn’t normally experience them (unlike places further up north than where I live — Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada).

Apparently last night (Friday May 10th) and tonight (Saturday May 11th) is when you should be able to see them in many places across Europe, Canada and even into parts of the US!

This is due to a stronger than normal Geomagnetic Storm happening. I heard on the news yesterday that the sun ‘belches’ (or spits out) plasma from it’s surface every 11 years stronger than at other times (isn’t it interesting it happens in 11 year cycles?), and this plasma material interacts with our atmosphere to create the Northern (and also Southern — Aurora Australis) Lights. The guy on the news last night said the storm is a G4, and it goes up to a scale of 5 being…



Caitlin McColl
beautiful choices

Writer on mental health, grief & loss, mindfulness, running, life musings (+ fiction and poetry!). ❤️coffee & dogs. Vancouver 🇨🇦