Make Beautiful Choices — Start Here

The purpose of and submission guidelines for this publication

Caitlin McColl
beautiful choices
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2022


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We’ve all probably realized by now that the last handful of years have not been all that beautiful.

Sure there’s probably been some good times here and there. After all, life does go on despite, or in spite, of bad times. But overall? The pandemic has been an eye opening struggle for everyone on the planet, in some shape or form, I’d hazard to say.

But that doesn’t mean that along the way we haven’t made some beautiful choices. Choices that alter not just our lives but ourselves, in positive ways.

And that’s what I wanted to highlight in this new publication: Writings about how our beautiful choices inform and form our beautiful selves — what makes us human.

If we make the best choices we can at the time, then most likely that will set us on the path towards our goals, our dreams, our desires. It will set us on the path to becoming, as cliché as this sounds, our best selves.

This publication is for highlighting the positives, the beauty, and the silver linings of our choices that we come to realize may have been there all along, but we just weren’t seeing them clearly, or perhaps we weren’t ready to notice them.



Caitlin McColl
beautiful choices

Writer on mental health, grief & loss, mindfulness, running, life musings (+ fiction and poetry!). ❤️coffee & dogs. Vancouver 🇨🇦