JaisikainThe New Climate.Why Planting Trees Is Not Always The SolutionAfforestation has its place, but the need to protect natural forests should be the greater focus.Sep 1617
Marlane AinsworthinILLUMINATIONWhen I Miss My Sister, I Hug a TreeAnd read a Mary Oliver poem12h ago212h ago2
RuchamainThe MemoiristI Wanted To Die But a Tree Got In the WayThe tree was easily sixty feet high, with branches as thick as a man’s torso. I stood under it to get shelter from the rain.Aug 711Aug 711
LuminousThoughtsBalanceI have worked in Arts and Education my entire adult life, encouraging entrepreneurs and artists to do what they love most, and maximize…2d ago172d ago17
JaisikainThe New Climate.Why Planting Trees Is Not Always The SolutionAfforestation has its place, but the need to protect natural forests should be the greater focus.Sep 1617
Marlane AinsworthinILLUMINATIONWhen I Miss My Sister, I Hug a TreeAnd read a Mary Oliver poem12h ago2
RuchamainThe MemoiristI Wanted To Die But a Tree Got In the WayThe tree was easily sixty feet high, with branches as thick as a man’s torso. I stood under it to get shelter from the rain.Aug 711
LuminousThoughtsBalanceI have worked in Arts and Education my entire adult life, encouraging entrepreneurs and artists to do what they love most, and maximize…2d ago17
Silvia PM, PhDinThe New Climate.The Unexpected Heroes in Methane RemovalMicrobes living in tree bark are quietly combating climate change.Aug 212
LuminousThoughtsAncestor TreeFor many years I tried to be a writer. Now I work in a variety of modalities to bring people, plants, the earth, and spirit into balance…Oct 247