6 Lessons from 12 Step that Will Improve Your Life Today

Recovery from addiction is all about self-improvement.

Chelsey Flood
Beautiful Hangover
Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2020


Collage by Jo Case

The 12 steps are a potent recipe for transformation that have saved the lives of millions since their creation in Akron, Ohio in 1935. But you don’t have to be an addict to use them.

Here are a few key pieces of wisdom from 12 step fellowships, and how you might apply them to improve your life.

1. One day at a time

This is the most famous adage from 12 step recovery. The great thing about it is that it applies to everything, not just shooting heroin or knocking back vodka.

Struggling in your new job? Just focus on today. Not sure if you can forgive your partner for her infidelity but don’t want to leave her either? Just try and do your best to get through today. Not sure you can live without your husband? Just try and make it through this one day.

Some of life’s decisions need time. Many human problems are complex and require more information than you have…

