8 Rarely Mentioned Benefits Of Sobriety

We all know about reclaiming your weekends, improved sleep, and reduced weight but there are so many more benefits to an alcohol-free existence.

Doran Lamb
Beautiful Hangover


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

1. Your immune system is stronger.

I used to get sick a lot; flus, colds, whatever was doing the rounds. Right now I’ve been sick once with a virus in 2 years. Alcohol totally f**ks with your immunity.

2. No more slow-brain days.

After a couple of months sober, I noticed I didn’t sit there grimacing because my brain literally hurt to think. Alcohol really dumbs your brain down. Research has found that even those who are not problem drinkers have a reduction in cognitive functions after a heavy night on the booze. But I’m sure you didn’t need research to tell you that right?

3. Skin conditions improve or cease to exist.

There was that whole puffy face before and after drinking thing that took off on the internet, and I also benefited from that. But I also found that my pregnancy and sun-addict-induced melasma disappeared. Plus my skin is noticeably younger and smoother now that I don't drink. When I show people pictures of me from my drinking…



Doran Lamb
Beautiful Hangover

Top Writer in Mental Health + Psychology + Love. Acute observer of the stigma surrounding mental health and addiction. https://doranlamb.medium.com/membership