Ditching These Top 5 Sobriety Tips Has Been Essential For My Recovery

#4 Routine is the enemy of addiction.

Doran Lamb
Beautiful Hangover


#1 AA/NA and Sponsor

Some people love AA and the 12 steps and some people don’t. I really don’t.

At rehab, we weren’t forced to attend the bi-weekly AA or NA meetings on offer and they weren’t a part of the program. However, when creating my exit plan, I was told I had to agree to attend 2–3 meetings a week and find a sponsor before I left.

I did all of these things but as much as I enjoyed attending meetings sometimes, I just didn’t want to fully commit to the program. It really didn’t feel right to me. Creating my own sober tribe suited me better than attending AA.

Out of my close friends from the ‘hab, only 2 out of 6 remained committed to AA and NA. This two-thirds rule appears to also be reflected in literature on the topic where it’s cited that approximately a third of addicts find AA useful and the rest don’t.

#2 Cut out old drinking/party buddies

It’s not always that easy to cut out old drinking buddies if they are also good friends. Let’s face it, you still need people and just because they used to get p**sed with you doesn’t automatically make them the devil.



Doran Lamb
Beautiful Hangover

Top Writer in Mental Health + Psychology + Love. Acute observer of the stigma surrounding mental health and addiction. https://doranlamb.medium.com/membership