How Do You Know It’s Time to Stop Drinking Alcohol?

Clue: you’re reading articles like this. (Again.)

Chelsey Flood
Beautiful Hangover


Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

Unfortunately, the short answer to this question is you probably won’t. However, it contains some clues too. For instance, are you experiencing problems that relate to your consumption of alcohol? Are these problems preventing you from living your life as you wish?

My experience of living with a drinking problem was that it was a bit like having two personalities.

There was the part of me that was done with booze, done with hangovers, done with pubs, and there was the part of me that could not imagine living without them.

As it began to dawn on me that alcohol was causing many of my problems, these two parts fought for ascension. The conflict I had long felt about drinking began to grow exponentially.

As I struggled to get and stay sober this only got worse. For some time, my personality felt bewilderingly split. My self-destructive tendencies were so embedded that they felt entirely natural, while the new sober…

