Me and My Sobriety Pet and Other Sober Clichés

5 feel-good sobriety cliches that you will definitely recognize

Doran Lamb
Beautiful Hangover


Photo by zhenhao Liu on Unsplash

When you get sober all of a sudden your weekends are full of laughter and sunshine, right? Kind of. There’s definitely a lot of free time but you need to add the sparkle.

Those of us who have entered the mad, bad world of sobriety, will recognize these cliches that those new to sobriety frequently adopt to add some meaning to recovery.

Most of us probably will see ourselves in at least one. And luckily unlike repeatedly saying at the end of the day, they are absolutely worth doing.

#1 Get a sobriety pet.

A pet was not an option when you were a complete mess rolling in at 5 a.m. on a Sunday. Now you spend your free time watching Netflix and having long walks with concerned loved ones, a pet fits right in.

The pure, uncomplicated love of a small furry creature is really the medicine that every individual in recovery needs. Cute cuddles, someone to love, and a healthy activity all rolled into one ball of fluffiness.

It’s not just about cuddles though, caring for a small helpless creature makes you feel good about yourself. Adopting rescue pets also works as a Karma fix, as you are literally saving…



Doran Lamb
Beautiful Hangover

Top Writer in Mental Health + Psychology + Love. Acute observer of the stigma surrounding mental health and addiction.