Your B.F.F is Sober…Now What?

5 Ways to Support Your Friend’s Sobriety Journey

Maria Hayes
Beautiful Hangover


Your best friend/loved one is no longer drinking. Congrats! You have just gained your friend back…. your real friend, not just your drinking buddy. But I know it does not feel like that right now.

In recovery, we learn that we must grieve the loss of alcohol. I know that sounds weird, but it is so true. I have a year of sobriety under my belt and I am still going through it. I literally cried the day before NYE because I realized I wouldn’t be sipping champagne on New Year’s Eve this year. It sounds childish, I know. But you have to understand, alcohol has been my longest-running relationship to date and the same may be true for your friend.

I’m telling you this because while we are grieving who we used to be, you have to do that as well.

You have the right to grieve the way our friendship was, the day-drinking we used to do, our boozy-brunches, and our late-night heart-to-hearts over a bottle of wine. You are allowed to feel sad that you cannot do that with us anymore. However, please know now that you have gained a friend that can fully be there for you, will be more reliable, more mentally stable, always accountable for their actions, and can engage in a genuine heart to heart that you will both remember.



Maria Hayes
Beautiful Hangover

Writing my way through sobriety, travels, and all that life throws at me.