Crossing the Bridge of Courage

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” — George Addair

Beautiful Life 101
4 min readDec 31, 2023


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“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” — George Addair. These words, as simple as they may seem, hold a universe of truth. Imagine fear as a tall, imposing gate. It’s not just any gate; it’s one that stands between you and your garden of dreams. Every aspiration, every fragment of your deepest desires, lies just beyond it.

In life, we often encounter these gates. They might appear as the fear of failure when we’re inches away from trying something new. Or perhaps, they show up as the dread of rejection, lurking in the shadows when we’re about to confess our feelings to someone. It’s a universal experience, isn’t it? There’s a quaint old saying, “A ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.” Similarly, we’re not crafted to live within the confines of comfort. Our true essence lies in braving the storms and sailing into the unknown.

Reflect on this: Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, shivering at the thought of taking a less traveled road? It’s in these moments that Addair’s words echo the loudest. For instance, consider the story of Rosa Parks. Her refusal to give up her seat wasn’t just an act of defiance; it was her stepping over the threshold of fear, into a realm where change was possible.

It’s crucial to recognize that fear isn’t the enemy. It’s a natural, albeit uncomfortable, part of being human. Rather than shunning it, we should embrace it as a signal. A signal that we’re about to do something momentous. As Mark Twain sagely put it, “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear — not absence of fear.” Our greatest triumphs often come from dancing with our fears, not running from them.

Here’s a nugget of wisdom to ponder: What if the things we fear are simply unexplored parts of ourselves, waiting to be discovered? The other side of fear is not just about achieving goals; it’s about self-discovery and growth. It’s about finding out what we’re made of when we dare to cross the threshold.

In your journey through life, whenever fear raises its head, remember that it’s merely a guardian of your untapped potential. Ask yourself, “What lies beyond this fear? What wonders am I keeping at bay?” Embrace your fears as guides, leading you to your personal treasure troves of experience and wisdom.

Let’s take a leaf from the book of Helen Keller, who said, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” Imagine if she had let fear dictate her life. Her story stands as a testament to the power of courage and the beauty that lies in embracing every aspect of life, including fear.

In closing, let’s not forget that on the other side of fear, there lies not just our dreams, but a deeper understanding of who we are and what we are capable of. So, dear reader, what’s your gate of fear guarding? Are you ready to unlock it and discover the wonders that await you?

Remember, every step taken in courage is a step closer to your true self, a step into a world brimming with possibilities. As you journey through your own narrative of bravery and self-discovery, may you find the strength to cross your bridges of fear, uncovering the extraordinary chapters of your life waiting on the other side.

Thanks for reading. ❤️
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Beautiful Life 101

A Dev, a passionate learner and Self-Improvement, Psychology, Philosophy, Stoicism... enthusiast eager to share my knowledge.