Ain’t Nobody Got Time for that

Beautiful Lives
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2023

To be honest, when I started my first blog, I would go back and forth wondering what my first blog post should be about. The whole putting myself out there on the internet was and still is new to me, so I wanted it to be perfect. I had thought about many different ideas and written numerous prompts, but I second guessed every one. That’s the fatal flaw of being an overthinker, you think yourself out of every idea or situation possible. Recently though, I have been thinking about how unexpected life is and how truthfully, none of us know what will happen tomorrow. For this reason, I have started to put an effort towards altering this characteristic about myself. I am sure many people can relate to being an overthinker and how your thoughts consume the majority of your precious time. I am tired of this! I am sick of spending time pondering what the right choice is to make, because in the end, who even knows! Obviously I don’t. Anyways, I have begun to act more and go for the opportunities, people, and things that present themselves to me. It has made me more open to possibilities because I am no longer trying to think about the results of this or that decision. For example, when I go to the grocery store, I try not to think twice about what I buy or if I can afford a few extra dollar difference, because in the end it doesn’t matter. If you make a mistake from a decision, you have just learned yourself a lesson and can make a different choice next time. I am no longer wasting countless minutes staring at every item I debate buying, which has even minimized the anxiety I feel being surrounded by so many options. Now, I know this is a simple example, but that is what I am here for. I think these types of daily occurrences that we have add up and shape how our days go in an unseemingly important way. These minor situations that we face every day can affect our mood, so how we look at them and let them affect us is important. Therefore, I give up on trying to think about what the outcome of a decision I make will be. Whatever the result, everything will hopefully be okay and somehow we will manage to get by. I am not trying to encourage being impulsive all the time, but sometimes it can be okay. So, I guess the conclusion I have come to and would like to share with you all is to just go for it. Life is way too short to worry about which brand of peanut butter will be the best choice, because trust me, I have been there in that aisle standing for a good ten minutes before. All in all, ain’t nobody got time for that.

