
Beautiful Lives Submission Guidelines

Sebastian Chamizo
Beautiful Lives
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2023


Beautiful Live celebrates the art of storytelling and the profound expressions of human emotion. We invite you to become a part of our vibrant community!

We value stories and poems that emerge from the heart, each offering a deeply personal perspective that resonates with readers on a profound level.

To ensure our publication maintains its unique character and unwavering commitment to emotional connection, we’ve put together these submission guidelines.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and hope you find a home for your creative expressions within the pages of Beautiful Lives. Together, we’ll continue to celebrate the beauty of the written word and the emotions it evokes.

1. What We Publish & What We Don’t Publish

- We welcome stories and poems focusing on life, love, and freedom. We appreciate personal perspectives and emotional content, so first-person narratives are preferred.

- We do not publish content related to entrepreneurship, startups, marketing, growth, or personal development. Avoid pieces with direct reader engagement or advice.

- If your primary motivation is financial gain on Medium, Beautiful Lives may not be the right fit.

- We don’t accept AI-generated writing; we value human emotions.

2. Before Sending Your Application

- We encourage active engagement with our community, and your primary reason for joining should be a genuine connection with Beautiful Lives.

3. How to Send Your Application

- Email your application to with your Medium profile link and two draft stories or poems for Beautiful Lives.

4. How to Submit Your Draft to Beautiful Lives

- Write under your real name, or use a pen name.

- Ensure your draft is free of spelling and grammar errors, and use short paragraphs for readability.

- Understand that we will never edit your content.



Sebastian Chamizo
Beautiful Lives

The following collection of poetry and essays are a symbol of growth and how an individual can become more than their experiences, thoughts, and beliefs.