Feelings…how foul

Beautiful Lives
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2023

First and foremost, cheers to my mom’s great friend who is now an angel. This man, known as David Parino, was full of nothing but the truth. Every now and then my mom would send me a conversation from their email thread because texting did not fit into Dave’s lifestyle. In fact, he threw his cellphone into the toilet years ago. He would give his advice of whatever situation was at hand, and said it as it was with the usual incorporation of curse words wherever possible. I always admired his candor and it inspires me to be open with my writing.

That being said, my topic of discussion today is about feelings. I know right, how repulsive. It’s hard to digest feelings. I always wonder how deeply others allow themselves to feel or think, because we live in a world where such matters aren’t spoken of enough. Thankfully therapy has become more welcoming because it allows us to let our emotions out if we are willing to do so. It is such a vulnerable experience, which is exactly why I think most of us have a hard time accepting how we feel. It leaves us naked and exposed. To be able to take off that guarded layer inside of us takes courage. I have always had a difficult time expressing my emotions externally, and it is something I continue to work on. However, internally, I allow myself to feel everything. I just put on a song that matches my mood and ride it out. I practice releasing these emotions through journaling. When I write, I can physically feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. It is an instant gratifying sensation, and something I recommend to everyone.

Speaking of, sadness decided to take its toll on me today. As the highs of the past few days began to settle, the emotions from underneath suddenly came out. When I begin to feel melancholy, I give myself a break and let it overcome me. There is nothing wrong with being sad because most times it seems to come out of nowhere and smack you right in the face. You can’t control it, so let your low-spirited self come out rather than pushing it down. If you give yourself the time to feel blue, it sets up impending opportunities of happiness. Just as the saying goes, there is always a rainbow after a storm. It is impossible to always be content, and if anything, that concept is overrated. If we have a balance of all emotions, it gives us a chance to recognize the importance of each one and appreciate what they bring. Each day brings a plethora of feelings and just because you experience more negative ones sometimes does not mean the rest of your day should be gloomy as well.

I will never forget when a patient suffering from cancer once told me that there is no such thing as a bad day. If someone fighting a hard battle like that can stay positive, we can too. Of course there are exceptions, and sure, you may have had difficult moments throughout the day, but there is always light somewhere if you change your mindset. My mom always tells me to never stay in a bad mood for more than five minutes. Take some deep breaths, pull it together, and get on with your day. Just listen to the singer Pitbull. Even he says “every day above ground is a great day, remember that” in his hit “Time of Our Lives.”

It’s the truth. Would you want your last day alive to have been one where you let a shitty experience ruin your day? I would hope not. Anyways, as Dave would always sign off on his emails…what the fuck do I know?

