Peace in the Wind

Beautiful Lives
Published in
Dec 3, 2023

I was sitting by a pool on the rooftop of a hotel in Orlando. There was a brief moment of stillness and serenity. Here is what it felt like:

Although controversial,

the church bells chime in the background

in unison.

Unexpected and distantly lost,

but always there.

Your eyes turn upward,

catching a glimpse of the swaying palm leaves.

Their elegance, gliding them effortlessly

in the wind.

But your eyes suddenly become fixed

on the blood orange hues of the sky.

With the brushes of cotton candy clouds,

the color of that pink starburst flavor.

It’s nearing,

the silent time of day

when energy that stems from light is setting.

Preparing for the restless vibrations of the night.

Here it comes,

the short moment of dwindling bustle

where there is finally peace.

And there it goes,

off into the wind.

