CHANGE to Maldivians

a natural disadvantage

Mohamed Misthoh
beautiful Maldives


oh i have wondered. long and hard on the topic of change. change specifically to us maldivians. for us living in these tiny islands. for us living in this capital island where it takes less than 30 minutes for you to ‘run’ right around the capital ..

hell yeah change is the only thing certain in our lives (i’d correct that actually … change is second to death). and such a certain thing in our lives, yet us maldivians are naturally disadvantaged! isn’t it pathetic!

here’s why …

in the west, you get to experience four beautiful seasons. take winter and summer (the extremes of the four). imagine preparing for the winter. imagine the change in clothes. your entire wardrobe. imagine how your day gets shorter and how you become lazy. imagine how much you start eating and how often you decide to stay indoors!

your moods, your thinking, your approach to life, it all changes come summer! and boy you become happier as well. a new hair cut is on the list, some good gym hours a must, of course the beach, of course the parties and of course more outdoor activities indeed.

and hey, every year, you let your body experience all this! every year you prepare your bodies, your mind and your lifestyle to face these changes! my word these no doubt will spill into your other “change” challenges! at least you have an advantage (relative to us maldivians)

30 degrees of sunshine. 7 days a week. 30 days a month. 365 days a year.

and that ladies and gentle is a natural obstacle for the concept of CHANGE for us maldivians


