You have only one life. Hold dearly to it. Be kind to yourself and to others.

Humans are hopeful creatures. Our hearts are feel nurtured when we think positively. Positive dreams or imaginations about our future gives us hope and sense of joy that renders all the sadness void. Dreaming of a positive future does not only make a person feel good but also helps to manifest wonderful things in life.

We live in a world of chaos where everyone is talking, gossiping or complaining. Our minds are also continuously chattering with us inside our heads, hence clouding our judgements. An overly talkative brain does not get the time neither the opportunity to remain in the present and reach the consciousness which it can be at. Usually we are so engaged in useless discussions and gossips that we don’t realize that we are not living in the present, rather in someone else’s past or predicting the future.

If only our mind went blank for a while and we consciously made an effort to focus on the present, listen to the sounds around us, watch closely at everything that is surrounded by us and discard all the negative chattering around, we could actually live in the present and focus on the greater goodness in our lives.

Everything has a meaning, has a reason to exist. We often forget that and immerse ourselves, delving into materialistic thoughts and chasing after things which give no real pleasure to our souls. We want so much but yet we do not know what exactly our soul desires. It is not impossible to perceive and manifest our true desires of the soul.

Probing and pondering over simple matters and materials allows a person to understand the importance of its existence on Earth and the coincidence of it being present in our lives; hence allowing us to understand the value of life and the universe more deeply. Not to forget to remember the Divine Power for Whom we exist. Who says “Be” and it becomes.

Dream to make yourself feel good, control your inner voice to let the universe play its magic to manifest the best you can get in this world just by living in the present and appreciating all the goodness one can experience in a lifetime on earth by the virtue of God and the miracles from the universe.



Arusa Tazkia
Beautiful Mind Beautiful Life by Arusa

The best of me is here. Love life, because we have a lot yet to explore.