Cheile Turzii: a walk between two rocky hills

Yuliya Savyuk
Beautiful Transilvania
2 min readMay 25, 2017

46°33'49"N 23°40'26"E

One of the first destinations we discovered here in Romania and keep coming back to, every time friends or family visiting us.

It’s a canyon, approximately 40 km away from Cluj. It has a beautiful viewpoint and several routes to walk around. We took only the easiest one till now, which goes to the bed of the gorge. If you have more time and feel like hiking, you can go up one of the sides — all the routes have markers along the way. This might take more time and proper hiking boots.

If you choose to walk through the bed of the gorge you have to do 2.9 km between two rocky mountains, crossing small water streams and sometimes sharing narrow paths with other visitors. But don’t worry! Usually, it’s a pleasant relaxed stroll :)

There is also a climbing route, and you can usually witness climbers making their way up the hill. Cheile Turzii is a perfect destination for a day trip, which can be combined with other places, or experienced the whole day with long walks.

The canyon itself is approachable from both ends:

The main entrance features all kinds of entertainment for tourists including mici (traditional Romanian) and Kürtőskalács (traditional as well, but rather Hungarian).

Usually, when we feel like it’s enough walking, we get into the car and drive to one of the restaurants in the area, our favorite is in Colțești, 40 km drive, but believe me, it’s worth it. The destination itself is beautiful and deserves a separate post, so all the details later. Another option to go after (or before) the canyon, might be Salina Turda, which also has decent winery and restaurant nearby.



Yuliya Savyuk
Beautiful Transilvania

UX/UI Designer • Product Designer • Lifelong Education Enthusiast