
Kristopher Chan
2 min readOct 14, 2016


Freire and Horton explains that practice, theory, and knowledge are all interconnected. They says “Without practice there’s no knowledge” (97) and that “We have to have a certain theoretical kind of practice in order to know also. But practice in itself is not its theory. It creates knowledge, but it is not its own theory” (98). He is saying that the three are will lead to to the other. You won’t get knowledge about something unless you constantly learn or practice it. From our Colloquium syllabus, we are given these 4 steps: 1) you have to care, want change, and have the will to act 2) you need to be educated on the issue in order to have a “correct analysis” 3) You need to organize/have an agenda with goals 4) To strive to reach these goals, you must act. Throughout colloquium and our service learning projects we are gaining the knowledge and skill by practicing these step.

Horton believes that neutrality is an “immoral act” because he believe that “Neutrality is just following the crowd” (102). This means that we are just letting the world decide what it wants to do with us. He believes that we have to be active in the decisions that would affect us and other. Freire says “neutrality is the best way for one to hide his or her choice, you see. If you are not interested in proclaiming your choices, then you have to say that you are neutral” (103). You are hiding your choices from the world and that could affect it. Freire states “Is it possible to discuss, to study the phenomenon of life without discussing exploitation, domination, freedom, democracy, and so on. I think that it’s impossible, but I am also sure that if I am a teacher of biology, I must teach biology” (104). He believes that these are necessary to teach biology because how are you going to understand life with out the understanding of history and social conditions.

Horton says “Whatever you have to contribute has a social dimension. And I think it’s ineffective to try to impose that on anybody. Sharing it with them is one thing, but trying to impose it is another” (105). We all should play are role in the struggle for social justice. Although I personally may not play a big role in social justice. I’ve learned that it is important to try and play a role in it, to fight for ideas that you believe in. For example, in my service learning project there are people who struggle with life after school.

“theory is always becoming. For example, you started this morning talking about how you are constantly changing. Nevertheless you are the same” (101)

