Fight for Rights

2 min readNov 4, 2016


What:Quote “It was an act of civil disobedience,” says Pacheco.“That's what we saw that happened with the lunch counter sit-ins. That’s what Rosa Parks did. We are not going to hide anymore. We are going to share who we really are.”

There are many undocumented people living in America who have to live in the shadow. Even though their children were born in American, they still have trouble in doing many things like education and health care.The book of when we fight we win is really focus on this point. Many undocumented people and children can’t have same rights like American citizens to get educations. There are many students in NGS are Latino or Mexican-American. I can tell some students' parents can't speak English when I first came to NGS. The main point in this book is like the title:when we fight,we win. Undocumented people can't live in shadow forever, and they need to come forward and change this situation by their movement. When more and more people notice this phenomenon, they can change this situation with those undocumented people together by their efforts.

So what:Quote:The trail of DREAMs was an expression of hope that powerful and time-tested forms of action-personal storytelling,directly confronting power,freedom marches.

Community engagement is very important to this colloquium. This course is called critical and creative engagement for a living democracy. This country is consist of many different communities. In this colloqium,we may not change this whole country but we can change our community by our effort. We make this change by our work and activity. I think this is why Community engagement is the central to this colloquium.

Now what:quote:The DREAMers had the president’s attention. On June 15,2012,President Obama ordered his administration to stop deporting undocumented citizens who would be eligible for the DREAM Act. In the first two years of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, 673,000 undocumented people applied,and 553,000 applications were accepted.

We can know from the book that the trial of DREAMs is a grassroots movement but it can really change government’s policy. It is not important whether this movement is grassroots only it can defend rights for vulnerable group. These grassroots movements are really helpful to make a difference. For example, the trial of DREAMs did a great job to make more and more undocumented people can have more rights to live in this country by DACA program. They can affect many people by storytelling and transformation. Their goal is to break down nationalism and disorders. By their own storytelling,people like us know more about them and we can imagine how hard they overcome these difficulties. Everyone has right to live a better life and everyone deserves it.

