Is School Necessary?

Matt Kalabokes
Beauty in the Struggle
2 min readSep 21, 2017

To me Rose is talking about if traditional school is necessary for all students. In America most of goes through the same schooling system and all focus on doing our best so we can go to college, but for some out there college isn’t necessary. Technical schools are a great option for those who know what they want to do. On page 140 Rose says “While it may seem democratic to give a similar curriculum to everyone, it is democratic as well to respond to the varied needs and interests of the students who fill our classrooms, some of whom simply are not the least bit taken by the liberal arts, no matter how well taught.” Everyone learns differently, and it is important that we create different learning environments for everyone.

I think that at certain levels it has to be on the teachers to get students interested. In 8th grade I had one of the best teachers I will ever learn from. He taught US History, but he would teach lessons in a very unique way. He wouldn’t just talk off a power point. While learning about the Revolutionary War, he had the class play capture the flag. He split the class up, he put 6 of us on the British side and 6 on the American side. The rest of the kids were France, and other Americans. The British side was filled with the more athletic kids in the class. At first we would win every game quickly, but he then started adding more Americans and French to the American team and it became impossible for us to even get one flag across. It was about 20 on 6, and we had no chance. That representation helped a lot of us see how the tides turned in the war, and lessons like this helped all of us understand what we were learning better. On page 43 Rose says “ Schooling like this is a powerful thing to witness. And a powerful thing to go through. Over time, you see, you fell something: it’s the experience of democracy itself.” Throughout the chapter he is talking about a teacher who really gets her students engaged. Unique methods of teaching are important to make class fresh and not the stale power point we all dread.

At NextGen students are definitely encouraged on pursuing college. Whether it’s tutoring or having colleges come talk to the students. NextGen also helps students who are undocumented find colleges that accept students who are undocumented and help them with financial aid needs. A lot of people that are undocumented don’t know which colleges they can get into or how to get financial help, but NextGen provides the information and helps the students see that they can attend college.

