The Long Division

Jelani Olufemi
Beauty in the Struggle
2 min readOct 27, 2017

Hanna-Jones faces a problem that I come to see more times in real life than I ever thought I would. Choosing to send her child, she has to battle with the concepts of either sending her kid to a school with a lot of resources, for fewer people, mostly white, or a school for the rest of the people. To me this parallels my life and the lives people I know.

I was fortunate to be able to go to a private high school, because a lot of what happened there got me where I am today, but it was expensive, and the people who looked like me were few and far, which may just be more of a personal demoralizing to me, but I hold that when we have people who look like, as well as people of others races, we have a more productive education economy. The point is that I was given a choice to go to that private or to go the school that was in walking distance to my home, a school that I know was under resourced and frantic, among other things. Some of peers, and friends, did not have said choice. Whether they had no other option, or maybe it was more convenient to send them to the under resourced local school, their education suffered. The fact that make all these so different, hurts the very concept of education

Leading into the so what, I think that education of future generation plays a large role in people's willingness to fight against this kind of problem. People will always want the best for their own children, and for someone like me, I just hope that the future is not made horrible for my own little cousins, that they don’t have to grow up going through the same problems with education I went through, or what my parents went through, or what my grandparents went through, or what my great grandparents went through.

The importance of research, is so that points can be back up, so that everything can come a standpoint of fact rather than opinion, or straight up lies. When I looked at “guidance on the voluntary use of race to achieve diversity and avoid racial isolation in elementary and secondary schools” I gained a bit of insight of just how government department thinks about, and just statistic based, rather people based. I think this help frame the content of of Hannah-jones in a way, where you can see all the bias, and where everyone stands on the issues, what people think, and that too is why research is important

