Vanessa Taveras
Beauty Tips At Home + Sexuality
1 min readJul 30, 2023



Picture taken with my phone.

Why having self love is highly important?

Sometimes in life, you feel like you are not loved like you would like for it could be. It is perfectly normal. We all have those days. This is why it is highly important to practice self love techniques.

How may we accomplish this?

There are several steps.

Tips of Self Love:

  1. Take a break from your responsibilities.
  2. Go for a walk.
  3. Go for a spa, if you can afford it.
  4. Socialize.
  5. Take care of your body.
  6. Take a good bath during the day.
  7. Paint your nails, if you are a woman.
  8. Avoid negative people.
  9. Take on new things to learn, such as a course or something.
  10. Read a book.

Working on your knowledge is also self love. You are the only person you have at the end of the day. Care for yourself. Nobody will love you as much as you can do it.

I hope this article helps.



Vanessa Taveras
Beauty Tips At Home + Sexuality

Writer | Teacher | Beauty Advisor | Deep Passionate of Medicine.