Beaver Finance Weekly Report # 1

Beaver Finance Weekly Report from December 13 to December 17, 2021

Beaver Finance
Beaver Finance
2 min readDec 17, 2021


Welcome to the 1st edition of our weekly newsletter series. Our aim with this newsletter is to keep the Beaver community informed of the latest development updates on the protocol. We will continue sharing weekly development reports every week, so keep your eyes on the socials for your dose of dev news. If you’re interested in learning more about Beaver Finance, follow our official Twitter or Telegram or hop to Gitbook for a Quick overview.

Coming up to this week, we have been making frenetic progress, here is a recap of all the development progress in the past week.

Smart Contracts

We have completed the first version of Beaver smart contract suite. Lint check for smart contracts has been checked off as well, and we are happy to inform you that only six errors were identified during the mock program. The results are extremely optimistic making us confident for the next wave of development.

Conclusively, smart contract coverage stands at 8 files, while 2 files remain, out of those two files, coverage on one is 97% complete while the second file stands at 77% progress. Black testing has been completed as well.


In terms of UI, we have completed development on the first version of the subgraph and currently, the interface is docking the subgraph.

For context, here’s an update on subgraphs — The Graphs are protocols for building decentralized applications on the blockchain. The protocol enables developers to browse through APIs, which are then referred to subgraphs.

Community Events

  1. Beaver’s First-ever Airdrop!

Our Airdrop campaign is already up and running! Would you like to participate too? Follow this link 👉 Here to get your share of the airdrop!

  1. Beaver’s 2nd Airdrop Event is already in motion too!

For the 2nd Beaver Airdrop Event, we have prepared an interactive Quiz for you!

With the Learn and Earn Quiz, you have the chance to get your hands on some BEVR tokens simply by answering a few questions correctly about the beaver protocol.

Follow this link to participate👉Here

And that will be it for this week’s dev newsletters! Beaver’s journey is starting to gain momentum, so stay tuned because exciting updates are coming soon!



Beaver Finance
Beaver Finance

Beaver Finance is a Single-Asset Intelligent Yield Enhancing platform with the Option-based cutting-edge hedging solution for Impermanent Loss.