Beaver Weekly Report #5

Beaver Finance
Beaver Finance
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2022

👋Hello Beavers,

The first quarter of 2022 has been a busy one — with the advent of Beaver, back-to-back community events, and a strategic update to the roadmap.

We’re excited to continue our weekly newsletters and keep you in the loop with what’s happening under the hood! You will notice that this weekly report is heavily statured with updates on tests of various kinds on different elements of Beaver Finance. This aligns with our promise to ensure that Beaver’s official launch is as optimistic and confident as possible.

So without further ado, let’s dive into the progress we’ve made so far.

Testing & Optimization

  • Multi-user Testing

We’ve performed multi-user testing on the Beaver Finance dApp to ensure the UX is user-friendly, load resistant, and responsive.

Multi-user testing is a type of usability test performed to examine the UX for the criteria mentioned above while also inspecting the interface’s learnability, efficiency, and memorability.

  • LP Pair Testing

We added more farming and LP pairs for the Farm and Hedge Section. Currently, testing the LP pair smart contracts under different user scenarios.

  • Security Infrastrucutre Optimization

We all understand that in DeFi, security is not a default setting. True safety can only be established through repeated testing based on extensive industry parameters and a robust security infrastructure built on top of the data that these tests reveal. We are currently optimizing the protocol security based on the tests developing in parallel within the team’s scope of control.


On March 23rd, Kingdom Game 4.0 platform announced a strategic partnership with Beaver.


Community Events

  • Live AMA with Koistarter and Alex, President of Beaver Volunteer Association, held on the 21st of March.

For more details, go👉 Here!

  • We hosted an AMA with Thorstarter on Beaver Twitter Spaces on March 25th.

In case you missed it, you can play the recording👉 Here!

  • On March 29th, we shared a key update with our community regarding Beaver’s official launch.

In this announcement, it was shared that the Beaver Token IDO and Candy Event that was originally scheduled for April was being postponed to a later (a new launch date is yet to be announced)

In case you missed the announcement, tune in👉 Here!

And that’s a wrap for this week folks! We’ll be back with a new update shortly!



Beaver Finance
Beaver Finance

Beaver Finance is a Single-Asset Intelligent Yield Enhancing platform with the Option-based cutting-edge hedging solution for Impermanent Loss.