Update — Beaver Finance Development Progress report

Beaver Finance’s product development progress from December 6 to December 10, 2021

Beaver Finance
Beaver Finance
2 min readDec 10, 2021


So far, we have regularly shared mini development with the beaver community on our socials. Over the months, we have made consistent progress towards our goal of fostering the most impeccable and robust yield farming + IL hedger protocol. Many other initiatives were covered in the months gone past.

This post provides an updated development roadmap and highlights our achievement heading into 2022.

Smart Contract

Summary: In terms of smart contracts, the focus was around developing applications, enhancing application user scenarios, and deploying primary functions to the protocol.

  • Setting up the project and deploying BOX to initiate the utility
  • Developing LP Pool contracts for the Farm Section
  • Establishing Hedgeding Pool contracts for the Hedge Section
  • Support for Users deposit, Withdraw and Harvest functions
  • Deploying function for users to check the ‘pending rewards’
  • Initiating the administrator to deploy the ‘open position’ management tool
  • The administrator deploys the “Start Invest” and the ‘payback’ function


Summary: Next up is Devops and other primary functions to kickstart user operations on the protocol via the solidity crud. The Solidity CRUD pattern is a reliable way of managing arbitrary data sets with transient members.

  • Supporting Token management, crud
  • Admin wallet management, crud
  • Open position and policy management, crud
  • Implementing Policy setting mainly to set up Box and manager address. This step is key for establishing investment parameters.
  • Supports policy operations and trigger investment Box
  • Supports the calculation of the hedge ratio and implement an automatic trigger for the hedge

User Interface

Summary: In terms of User Interface, the goal has always been to implement functions that make the UI intuitive and frictionless for users. At the same time, we understand that Beaver brings forth a complex concept and technology for the mainstream user, and in order to retain inclusivity, we have made sure that the UI is simple to understand and execute via on-chain automation, gamification, and more.

  • Support for desktop and mobile access
  • Implemented ‘Connect Wallet’ feature
  • Executed checklist for the LP pools and Hedging pools
  • Support created for users deposit assets to Box
  • Implemented the withdraw and check pending rewards function as well as the harvest function in case the user wishes to invest the existing rewards
  • Implemented function for statistics on pool information, Total value locked (TVL), remaining (unused assets), and users deposit quota.

Next Steps!

For now, we are focusing on logic, smart contracts, frontend development, and audits. These events and achievements would not have been possible without our community’s constant support. We hope you continue reenergizing us with your addicting enthusiasm in the future as well.



Beaver Finance
Beaver Finance

Beaver Finance is a Single-Asset Intelligent Yield Enhancing platform with the Option-based cutting-edge hedging solution for Impermanent Loss.