Handling Change In The Organization

Vivian A.D
Published in
6 min readSep 22, 2021

Imagine a puddle of stagnant murky waters sitting in one place for a long period of time without moving. That is exactly how an organization without change would look like!

Without changes or alterations, an organization will remain static.

There will be outmoded habits/ practices that need to be improved, old structures that need to be upgraded, or even people that need to be replaced. This stagnancy would hamper the growth and success of the organization. As long as new strategies and structures are not introduced and implemented, there will be little to no growth or development within the organization which makes organizational change a very key ingredient in a constantly evolving world like ours.

Change is a well-recognized term in the present-day business world in view of the fact that many organizations are in a race against time to implement new policies, strategies, and structures that will spur growth and development in the organization and also allow the organization to compete in its sector.

However, change is not a term that many employees or team members feel enthusiastic about. Many would rather choose stability, predictability, and familiarity over the uncertainty that change often presents. It appears simpler and easier for people to stick to a traditional comfortable routine or structure than to walk blindly into new grounds which is usually what change demands. Yet, organizational change simply cannot be overlooked as it is a key learning experience for leaders or managers. The change could lead to growth or decline in the organization, thereby helping the major decision-makers make informed decisions on what policies to keep and which to discard.

What is Organizational Change?

Organizational change is the process of implementing new structures in an organization and it is very necessary for companies that want to thrive, grow and expand. Organizational change management is usually a premeditated process that affects the entire organization. Knowledge, tools, and/or resources are applied in a bid to increase both individual and organizational effectiveness.

Other key benefits of organizational change include; fosters employee development through training, stimulates growth and development within the organization, encourages innovation and creative expressions among the employees, motivates staff to perform better, and improves employee enthusiasm for organizational activities.

Organizational change is designed to produce positive results within the organization but the process of change is not as easy to navigate especially when there is some form of resistance or friction.

There are many reasons why people hate or resist change within the organization. However, one major reason is bad management of change in the workplace. Handling change effectively will ensure that the change is properly implemented within the organization and well adopted by the employees.

So, how do you handle change within the organization?

Here are 7 trusted steps you can take to successfully handle change in your organization;

Establish What You Want to Change

Organizations that get it right as regards change implementation and effective change management are those who are critical about their organizational process and are aware of what needs to be upgraded within the organization. Any organization looking to implement new structures, processes, or strategies should first define in clear detail what needs to be changed within the organization. Having a clear vision or plan would serve as a guide during the change process and will help in evaluating the significance of the change you want to implement. This will help you decide how much skill or resources to invest in the process.

Align Your Vision with the Organization’s Goals

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There are lots of changes that can be made within an organization but not all will be advantageous to your company, its people, or will be suitable for the sector your company operates in. It is important to make sure that the new processes align with your organization’s goals to avoid derailing from your company’s primary objectives. This would give you added insight as to whether the change will benefit your organization or lead to a decline in your organization’s operations. Also, it is important to ensure that your employees are aligned with the vision. Employees want to feel included in their organization’s operations and it will be easier for them to adopt the new changes if it is adequately communicated to them and they are made to understand the purpose and reason behind the change.

Follow a Well-Defined Process

Photo by Clayton Robbins on Unsplash

Change upsets comfort, stability, and convenience in any organization as it is a company-wide action. Hence, it is essential to carry out and undertake the process in a properly mapped out process. Figure out the method that will help you successfully implement the new changes and ensure that it fits the quality of the change you want to implement. Also, ensure that your selection considers your organization’s greatest assets (its employees), the organizational levels of each affected employee, and their new roles (if any) from the executive staff down to the administrative staff.

Evaluate Change Impact

After you have a clear vision of what needs to be changed and why, have aligned this vision with your business goals and drawn out a process for implementation, the next step is to evaluate the change impact and identify those who will be affected by the change at different levels in the organization. Conduct a critical review on the impact of this change and the ripple effect it will have on the organization as a whole, its people, and its structure. This would provide you with an idea of how the change would be received by the people affected, help you plan adequately on how to handle any negative outcomes, and provide support to lessen the impact.

Provide Adequate Training and Support

Photo by Lagos Techie on Unsplash

It is the organization’s responsibility to provide adequate training and support to the staff or those that will be affected by the new structure or policy. Professionals who are well-informed and knowledgeable on the skills that the new plan demands should be tasked with the training of the employees. Training could include virtual or physical training sessions or on-the-job mentoring depending on what is required. Taking each employee into consideration during the implementation phase and making sure every member of your team is well aware, accepting, and trained on their new roles or tasks is a good way to handle change. Make sure that your employees understand what the new system entails and how it will benefit the organization. Also, inform them of the measures available to support anyone finding it difficult to transition smoothly.

Effectively Manage Resistance

Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

With change comes resistance and rather than avoid it or try to sweep it under the carpet in your company, it is best to face it and address it. Understand, as a leader, that resistance is a normal part of every change process, and being open to providing your employees with a support system can help them adjust to the changes. Support can either be financial, emotional, or psychological support depending on what the situation demands.

Lead Change with Empathy

If you want to effectively handle change in your organization, you need to communicate your vision and plans to your employee with empathy and be as humane as possible. Conveying the information in an empathetic way can impact the reaction of your employees to the changes you want to implement and can determine if they accept or resist the new arrangement. Gaining their trust as a leader or manager is a great place to start when undertaking organizational change management and empathy is a great trust builder that can help your company navigate the unknown seamlessly. When leaders introduce changes by using an empathetic approach, it reduces the possibility of there being resistance.

There you have it!

Our secret hacks to handling change effectively within your organization. Now, all that’s left is for you to apply the steps. Remember that change management is not always an easy road to travel but with good leadership, effective management, and non-stop commitment by all the persons involved, you would have a successful, thriving, and competitive organization.



Vivian A.D

Vivian A.D is a content writer and content strategist who helps software companies build their online presence with engaging valuable content.