Beatrice Diyan
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2019
Photo by Vladislav Klapin on Unsplash

Onboarding is often mistaken for induction. Onboarding should happen once an offer is made to a new employee which is usually before inducting the new employee and should continue after the induction/orientation of the new employee.

Onboarding programs for a new employee could take 90days or even run into a year as opposed to induction or orientation which could take a day or a week and can be described as an ‘information dump’. The focus is getting your new employee ingrained and well-adjusted into your organization processes, culture, mission and vision. A properly designed onboarding program can do well to ensure your new hire hits the ground running and also their long-term success in the organization.

As much as there are lots of available templates of employees onboarding programs, creating one that is best suited to your organization’s process will be more effective in helping your new hire adjust and socialize well. Review existing onboarding program from time-to-time and make adjustments where necessary as you get feedback from your new hires.

Preparing adequately for your new hire on-boarding will make them feel valued, included, connected and seen as part of the whole that contributes to the success of the organization.

Follow these steps for effective onboarding process:

  1. Ensure that every engagement after your new hire gets the offer letter is part of the onboarding process. HR managers are to ensure the image and brand of the company is reflected in the experience the new hire is getting.
  2. Create your onboarding program or checklist. This assists in getting the program done in due time and prevents the error of oversight.
  3. All documents and paperwork should be sent to the new employee for review before resumption. These documents may include regulations and policies to be adhered to as employees of the organization. The employee will be required to sign necessary paperwork and bring a copy upon resumption.
  4. Workspace, tools, access and technology needed for work should also be made available before the employees’ first day.
  5. Make your new employee feel welcomed on the first day of work. Help them socialize with team mates and other co-workers. Share your new hire via internal correspondent and taking time out physically to introduce them to older employees.
  6. Sit down and discuss your company values and culture with your new hire
  7. Be prepared to answer questions from the new hire.
  8. Familiarize the new hire with the organization’s structure.
  9. Assign a work buddy/mentor to your new hire to help them socialize and guide on what is expected on the job.
  10. Check on the new hire during and after each phase of the designed onboarding program for feedback.

Benefits Of A Successful Onboarding Program

  1. The employee is clear on the expectation of individual and team roles.
  2. It hastens the new employee’s integration into the organizations’s culture.
  3. The new hire gets quickly productive on the job which in turn leads to being motivated and satisfied on the job.
  4. Adequate performance follow-up to quickly identify and work on the strengths and weaknesses identified during the program.

Remember, the effectiveness you portray reflects and impresses upon your new employees as a value within your organization.

