Beaxy Website Update Announcement

T.J. Wilson
Beaxy Exchange
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2018

We are excited to update you regarding the progress toward our plan for Beaxy. In accordance with our commitment to branding and marketing we are proud to reveal a redesigned website, new white papers, and a fresh approach to sharing the message about our exchange with the world.

Our new website was designed with simplicity in mind. Specific graphics have been redesigned to increase the clarity of the information communicated. In addition to a redesigned website we have also redesigned and reorganized our litepaper. That link can be found below, along with links to two new white papers we have offered to further our mission of transparency.

These two papers cover technical details of our exchange, and our exclusive partnership with OneMarketData and their OneTick matching engine service. These documents help explain our technical superiority to other exchanges and help users understand the basics of how our exchange functions.


Technical Whitepaper:

OneTick WP:

Between our website redesign, graphical updates, and new whitepapers we are taking major steps to communicate all of our value with the world. But we haven’t stopped there. We are also employing consulting groups to help us engage with influencers and crypto communities in an authentic way, to help share our message.

We are also fully engaging our referral program and making our demo publicly available so that prospective users can try out our exchange and see for themselves what the hype is all about.

To request entry to our demo, apply here:

To join our referral program, apply here:

As always, thank you for being a part of our community.


The Beaxy Team

