Beaxy Exchange Demo

T.J. Wilson
Beaxy Exchange
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2018

We’re excited to finally unveil our demo! You can request access to the demo now by visiting our support site where you will be able to submit a ticket requesting access to the demo. Check out some screenshots below!

— — Night mode! — ->

You WILL need to create a new account to use the demo. This account will be separate from the account you made for the Whitelist, but if you use the SAME email to register for the demo, your account will be migrated over to the main exchange/your whitelisted account when it launches in Q3. By registering now you are getting an account on the main exchange.

Once again, you will need to request access to test out the demo. Click here to visit our support site where you can submit a ticket for access to the demo. Select the category ‘Exchange Demo Access’ as pictured here:

Keep an eye out for more news as we approach the launch date!

