Launch Features vs. Planned Features

T.J. Wilson
Beaxy Exchange
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2018

Hello Beaxy community!

We’ve received fantastic feedback from everyone over the past couple weeks. The Referral Contest and the Meme Contest have both seen an incredible amount of participation and as a result we are seeing plenty of discussion about Beaxy!

With that being said, we want to provide some clarity about which features will be available at the time of launch in early January versus which ones will be integrated within a year of launch. In the interest of making this information as clear as possible I have put together a comprehensive list of each below so we’re all on the same page.

Launch Features

Features that will be available when the exchange launches in January 2019:

  • Multiple wallets per currency
  • Loyalty Program, Staking Program, Discounted Trading Fees
  • Limit order types
  • Stop loss, Limit, Limit IOC, and Limit FOK order support
  • OneMarketData matching engine capability
  • Bitcoin blockchain and forks support
  • Ethereum and ERC-20 token support
  • NEO & NEP5 support
  • 24/7 live support

Planned Features

To be integrated into Beaxy within one year of launch:

  • API integrations
  • Advanced order types: Trailing Stop limit, Take profit, Take profit limit, Trailing Stop, One cancels other, One sends other, and more
  • Portfolio management and mobile alerts
  • Mobile apps (iOS / Android)
  • ICO launchpad
  • FIAT integration
  • Instant Deposit
  • OTC trading desk
  • Tax-ready Reporting
  • R&D lab
  • Onboarding of institutional clients

The Planned Features are listed on our roadmap as well, which I've pasted a clip of below. You can find the full roadmap on our homepage.

Features planned for 2019 and beyond.

If you have any questions about either set of features don’t hesitate to reach out. We have support admins active in the Telegram channel around the clock that are happy to help, and if that’s not your thing you can contact us on Twitter, Facebook, or through a support ticket. Thanks again for your support!

The Beaxy Team

