Referrals Done Right — 50% Bonus!

T.J. Wilson
Beaxy Exchange
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2019

As you already know, you receive 10% of the fees generated by your referrals for life — giving Beaxy one of the most competitive referral programs around. Now we’re rolling out the most lucrative promotion in crypto to go along with it.

This promotion will begin today and will run for 90 days starting from August 1st. Since trading fees won’t be activated until August 1st, this allows you to start collecting referrals now and then benefit for 3 months once fees are turned on.

During this 90 day period, you can earn BXY four different ways:

  • 50% bonus payout from users referred to Beaxy
  • Prizes for placing on the referral leaderboard
  • Random drawings from the replacement prize pool (more on that later)
  • Beaxy Achievements

50% Referral Bonus

Starting now and throughout the remainder of this contest, your Beaxy ref link will net you 50% of fees from referrals for 90 days! After that you will still receive the standard 10% for life.

Leaderboard Prizes

Each referral earned during this period will count towards our Referral Contest Leaderboard. Prizes will be awarded to the top spots and hitting certain numbers of referrals will extend your payouts!

  • 100 KYC passed referrals — 1 month extension on 50% payouts.
  • 250 KYC passed referrals — 2 month extension on 50% payouts.
  • 500 KYC passed referrals — 3 month extension on 50% payouts.

Referral Replacement Prize Pool

By replacing your current pinned/profile referral links with Beaxy referral links, you will be entered into an additional prize pool to win some BXY. We will select winners at random.

You will be entered into the prize pool if you put your ref link in one of these two places (or both!)

In order to be selected as a winner in this prize pool you must be following the official Beaxy Twitter account.

Beaxy Achievements

We want to give everyone a chance to benefit during this period so we’ve set up some milestones that will award certain amounts of BXY upon completion of all three.

  • Registering and completing KYC = 5 BXY
  • Make a deposit = 5 BXY
  • Execute a trade = 10 BXY

You can find the contest rules below, but we want to encourage users to familiarize themselves with Beaxy before sharing details about it. If you use a referral link for Beaxy, please check out the platform a bit first so you can be informed. We recommend the ‘Take a Tour’ feature found in the Help tab at the top right of the screen.

Once you’ve taken a tour, find your ref link on the ‘My Profile’ page of your account. Simply select your referral code to copy it and share. Ways you can share include social media posts, blogs about Beaxy, word of mouth referral, and more.

So start posting your ref links and you might hear from us soon!

Terms & Conditions

Starting today, users can begin collecting referrals for the Referral Contest.

Users will get 50% of fees generated from each referred account for 90 days starting on August 1st (when fees are activated).

Users with the most referrals will be anonymously placed on a leaderboard.

Leaderboard top spots will receive extra prizes.

Replacing your pinned and profile referral links with Beaxy referral links will enter you in a separate prize pool. Winners will be selected at random.

Performing certain actions on Beaxy Exchange during this 90 day period will reward you with BXY.

  • The KYC Achievement requires you to successfully pass KYC.
  • The Deposit Achievement requires a minimum deposit of $100
  • The Execute Trade Achievement requires a minimum value of $100

You must complete the final achievement in order to claim the prizes. Completion of all 3 will net you 20 BXY.

