Join Bebop’s ARB Airdrop Program!

Bebop is currently running Arbitrum Airdrop Program, where you can earn $ARB tokens simply by trading on Arbitrum with Bebop. From 7 June till 30 August 2024, Bebop will be distributing a total of 280,000 ARB tokens exclusively to our dedicated users and cover network fees up to 60,000 ARB in total for those who trade more than $25 on the Arbitrum network.

In this guide, we’ll explain everything you need to know from earning ARB tokens when trading on Bebop until 30 Aug to claiming ARB tokens via crates until 2 Sep.

Rewards structure

Please note that some rules have been updated for phase 2 based on the discussion with the community at the end of phase1.

Total rewards will be an equal amount of $70,000 ARB each phase with each phase lasting for 3 weeks:

1. 30,000 ARB going to top volume every phase

  • 1st prize — 12,000 $ARB
  • 2nd prize — 10,000 $ARB
  • 3rd prize — 8,000 $ARB

2. 20,000 ARB random raffle-style lucky drop

  • 10 x 2,000 $ARB raffled between all participants

3. 20,000 ARB distributed to the rest of the traders (top 1,000 excluding top 3)

  • Rank 4–10–1,000 ARB
  • Rank 11–20–300 ARB
  • Rank 21–50–100 ARB
  • Rank 51–100–50 ARB
  • Rank 101–200–20 ARB
  • Rank 201–300–10 ARB
  • Rank 301–500–5 ARB
  • Rank 501–1000–1 ARB

You can track your progress by checking your leaderboard ranking here (

$ARB tokens based on your leaderboard ranking will be distributed via crates that you’ll need to claim — you will receive an extra 2,000 ARB tokens in the crate if you were one of the lucky users who won the raffle.

Besides earning $ARB tokens, network costs for all eligible trades will be waived as well, making it easier for you to join in. However, there is a limit of $60,000 ARB received from Arbitrum grant to cover network fees. Once this amount is fully utilised, network costs will no longer be waived.

Distribution schedule

Every third Friday at 12:00 UTC, you can unlock your crate and claim your tokens.

You must claim the tokens for ARB to be transferred to your wallet. ARB won in each phase will be collectible up until 12:00 UTC on 2 Sep.

Phases will run from:

  • Phase 1: June 7 — June 28 12pm UTC
  • Phase 2: June 28 — July 19 12pm UTC
  • Phase 3: July 19 — August 9 12pm UTC
  • Phase 4: August 9 — August 30 12pm UTC

Qualified trades

To participate, simply complete a trade of $25 or more on the Arbitrum network through Bebop during the program period here (

All trades done on Arbitrum network through Bebop will be counted towards the program and network costs exemption EXCEPT for the following:

  1. Wrapping and unwrapping transactions with any wrapper assets such as WETH
  2. ETH-to-LST (Liquid Staking Token) trades with rETH, rsETH, cbETH, ankrETH, OSeth, weETH, ezETH & frxETH
  3. Trades between BTC wrapper assets such as BTC.b, wBTC
  4. Stable-to-stable trades with USDT, USDC, DAI, FRAX, USDe, axlUSDC & USD+
  5. Any custom tokens that are manually added and not found in Bebop’s token list

Wallets less than 4 weeks old from 7 June 2024 are not eligible.

Newly created wallets after 10 May 2024 are not valid for entry. This is implemented as part of Bebop’s anti-sybil measures to prevent farmers or bots.

Trade eligibility scenarios

What else do I need to know?

1. Wallets less than 4 weeks old from 7 June 2024 are not eligible.

Newly created wallets after 10 May 2024 are not valid for entry. This is implemented as part of Bebop’s anti-sybil measures to prevent farmers or bots.

2. First prize cannot be won by the same wallet more than three times.

The same wallet can only win the first prize of 12k $ARB up to 3 times to ensure fairness for other traders.

3. Increasing chances of greater allocation.

Greater volume increases your chances of receiving a larger token allocation due to higher ranking. The more you trade over a 3-week period, the greater your potential allocation based on linear allocation, along with higher chances of winning through the luck drops.

4. Can I participate in the Arbitrum Airdrop Program halfway through the program?

Certainly! You can join the program at any time, with token allocations occurring every third Friday at 12:00pm UTC since the start of the program.

5. Bebop reserves the right to remove wallets from the program.

Since there is no perfect solution to counter sybil users, Bebop has discretion to update program rules in efforts to combat sybil users, ensuring fairness for other traders. Bebop also reserves the right to remove any wallet address from the leaderboard under discretion.

Earn ARB tokens now

Don’t miss out on this chance to boost your ARB holdings and enhance your trading experience on

Start trading today and be part of our vibrant community, enjoying the benefits of the Arbitrum Airdrop Program! To learn more about the program, visit our page and check out the FAQs.

