So you want something different to what you have

Martin Adams
Martin’s Notebook
3 min readNov 18, 2017

As I write the chapters of this publication Bebrilbe happy, be you, be brilliant, I write it with the following people in mind:

  • The student who is finishing college and deciding whether to go to university or not
  • The graduate who has just finished university and is now faced with finding their own feet, their own voice and starting their career
  • The employed who wants to accelerate their potential and become known within their field
  • The employed who are dissatisfied with the status quo and wants to change career, have a passive income or be self employed
  • The employed who has been faced with redundancy and doesn’t want to just get another job
  • The mum who is ready to take on a new challenge and create a career
  • The freelancer who is trying to get things to take off
  • The entrepreneur at heart who wants to create something valuable and leave their mark on this world

Each of these people I have personally spoken to. I genuinely want to help people get to where they are supposed to be, but I feel I have fallen short of helping because we lacked the right mindset to make a real difference. That is why I am writing this publication. Over the coming chapters we will explore what is possible and how you can to position your mindset to achieve it.

I have a lot to share and I appreciate everyone is at a different level when they start. Don’t be shy, ask questions.

I want to be clear, I am not a guru who will tell you everything you need to do. I am like you, on a similar journey of reaching my goals. What I feel makes me credible to provide such advice is simply down to the following:

  • I get a lot of satisfaction helping others so my intent is pure and genuine
  • I am continually learning and becoming increasingly self aware
  • I am an optimist and believe that we are all in control of the future we want
  • I am obsessed with challenging myself and seeing what I can achieve
  • I embrace failure and don’t seek the validation of other people’s opinion
  • I love what I do and have a lot of gratitude
  • I am not looking for anything in return

To give you some context of where I’m coming from, I’ve worked for myself, along with large and small companies. I’ve managed teams, hired people and stood in front of investors. However, in my entire life I’ve never felt such excitement of what is about to come next. So join me on this journey and get fired up by what is about to happen.

We’re just getting started.

Read the next chapter Who do you want to be?

If you like where this is headed, follow this publication and start your journey to be brilliant.

