Kary Oberbrunner Exposed! A Behind The Scenes Tell-All From His Igniting Souls 2017 Conference

Rebecca Dinning Brinkmann
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2017

Read more to find out why…

1. Kary makes me want to SCREAM!

2. Kary is so negative

3. Nearly everyone at the conference was in PAIN

This past weekend, I attended the Igniting Souls Conference for the first time, and let me tell you, I learned some shocking truths about Kary Oberbrunner and his TRIBE.

Kary makes me want to SCREAM!

Kary Oberbrunner really makes me want to scream! As a matter-of-fact, he made the whole room scream their heads off with excitement when going live on Facebook. We shouted, not because we were told to, but because we were filled with the energy that was electrifying the room. You can’t help but get excited when you’re with this amazing and talented tribe.

The Screaming Tribe
Kary and the Hat

Kary is so negative

But seriously, at the same time, Kary can be SOOOOO negative! As a tribe, we were set on fire with our message to share with the world. When we speak anything that is negative towards ourselves or others, we essentially extinguish that fire. So, fireman hats were left on the tables. Say something negative and WEAR. THE. HAT. In a funny turn of events, Kary ended up wearing the hat more than anyone, as the tribe enjoyed harassing him (in a fun way). He always complied, which showed me that he is a leader who is humble enough to admit that, just like us, he can fall into the trap of speaking negatively. The truth is, when we speak negatively about ourselves and others, we have the power to stop it and change that thinking. If we mess up, we don’t beat ourselves up. We recognize it, change direction, and move on in a positive direction.

Nearly everyone at the conference was in PAIN

What I want to expose about Kary the most IS that he wanted every person at this conference to experience PAIN. The Igniting Souls tribe consists of real people with stories that span the gamut of emotions. But we all recognize that it’s our pain that pushes us to action. If we didn’t experience the discomfort of discontent, we would not pursue the fire and passion of telling our stories. As Kary put it, “feel the pain that will push you into your breakthrough. The obstacle in the way, becomes the way.” Wow! That’s powerful.

Brian Dixon, Kary Oberbrunner, Rebecca Brinkmann, David Branderhorst, Dexter Godfrey

Being energized by the awesome line-up of speakers at Igniting Souls Conference helped us recognize our pain and discontent so we can leave and use it to fuel that fire. Some of the most memorable quotes that I took away from this year’s Igniting Souls Conference speakers:

“What’s obvious to us is magic to others” — Brian Dixon

“Marketing is something we do for people, not to them” ––Mike Kim

“People want a guide and not a hero” -–Kary Oberbrunner

“Lens of your camera is the person you are reaching” ––Amy Schmittauer

“Narrow your focus to a specific person” ––David Branderhorst

“You are either living faith forward or faith in reverse!” ––Dexter Godfrey

So you see, Kary Oberbrunner’s Igniting Souls Conference has been exposed as an electrifying, fire-producing, pain-overcoming, idea-generating, people-loving-screaming-with-excitement event. You should definitely plan to attend in 2018!

