2019 Travel Flashback | UK 🇬🇧

Karen Lee
Become A World Traveler
2 min readDec 25, 2019

Favorite Things to do in the UK

  1. Museums

英國有好多博物館都係免費入場(收入主要靠Donation 同埋紀念品店)。睇展覽期間你會發現世界之大,自己識既野好皮毛,真係學海無涯 🤗

Many museums in the UK are free entry, their income mainly relies on donations and souvenir store. The more exhibitions I visit, the more I find myself ignorant.

Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum | Glasgow

2)Record Stores

香港唱片市場萎縮,HMV 同 HK Records 都係今年倒閉😢。反觀 UK d 唱片舖仲好popular, 好多人仲會真金白銀買CD同黑膠,好多獨立唱片舖仲生存到。

Hong Kong record industry is shrinking and struggling, two big record store outlets HMV and Hong Kong Records close down this year. On the contrary, UK record stores are still thriving, many people support the industry by purchasing CDs and vinyl records, even small indie record stores manage to survive.

Coda Music Vinyl & CDs | Edinburgh (Closed Down Already)


人在Foyles, 呢間Bookstore 共6層,每個Category 都有好多書,唔似香港書店只得雞精工具書。最正係書店仲有成層Cafe俾你打書釘😍

Waterstones 書店都唔錯!

Bookstores in UK are huge, the Foyles Bookstore I went to, even has 6 floors, there are a wide range of books in each categories, unlike Hong Kong. I love the whole floor cafe inside a bookstore, where you can indulge in literature with a sip of coffee.

P.S Waterstones outlet is great as well.

Gosh! Comics | London

