Dipping My Toes in Python šŸ

Jesse Sumrak
Becoming a Developer
2 min readNov 27, 2018

Last week was the Thanksgiving holidays, but I still found a little bit of time between social gatherings and other commitments to learn developing.

I finished the Pre-Coding Bootcamp on Udemyā€”really enjoyed it, overall. Gave me insight (however small) into so many things I was ignorant about: how computers work, browsers work, internet works, how operating systems communicate with hardware, etc. Definitely recommend to anyone as clueless as I am embarking on this journey.

I discontinued the LinkedIn project because it was boring and uninspiring. Instead, I used my basic HTML and CSS skills to build a Cristiano Ronaldo fan page (hater, Iā€™m sorry). It was a good chance to practice some styling, branding, and positioning with some context already. Overall, Iā€™m pretty satisfied with it. Itā€™s simple and not finishedā€”but the framework is built to basically copy and paste the fundamental elements to create additional sections and what not. A fellow employee at work showed me more about inspecting page elements to learn from the best, so I took some ideas from Lebron James homepage. I made sure to understand the code and what it was doing (and if I could manipulate it entirely), but some of it was still a little difficult to grasp. But, in the end, I got it to do what I wanted it to do, and, Iā€™m happy enough at this point.

While riding around in the car, I downloaded Udacity and began taking some Intro to Programming courses on there. Super simple and basic. Just learning Python syntax, variables, strings, etc. Also, starting taking a beginners Python course on Udemy, too. So far itā€™s covered the exact same thing, just within IntelliJ IDEA (their recommended IDE) rather than within the hostā€™s platform. So far, Iā€™m feeling pretty confident about everything. Nothing too far over my head, fortunately. Itā€™s the vastness of knowledge I need to consume thatā€™s my biggest challenge right now. Just need to calm down, break it down into bite-sized pieces, and take my timeā€¦

Itā€™s hard getting into a solid flow right now because of all the holiday distractions. In just a few weeks, Iā€™ll be flying to Virginia for Christmas break, so building any permanent habit between now and then is difficult. This morning was the first early morning I focused on coding. Woke up at 5am and practiced/studied until 7am. Planning on continuing this at least 3ā€“4 days a week for now, and then maybe bump up the hours or days starting in January. For some reason, the monotony of my job right now as a Social Media Manager is driving me insane. I need a challenge. I need something hard. I need to get deeper into this software engineering path.

But firstā€¦patience.



Jesse Sumrak
Becoming a Developer

Jesse Sumrak is a writing zealot focused on creating killer content. Heā€™s spent almost a decade writing about startup, marketing, and entrepreneurship topics.