Are you procrastinating? It‘s probably fear.

Anfernee Chansamooth
Becoming An Entrepreneur
3 min readFeb 14, 2016

FEAR can be so subtle and it can sneakily manifest into procrastination and distraction.

Here’s a little story of how fear manifested for me a couple of days ago and how I caught it and did something about it.

I’m sharing this story with the hope of inspiring you to choose to take action, even if it’s just the next step to move closer to what you want to achieve and who you want to become.

One of my goals for 2016 is to launch a monthly podcast.

I wanted to launch the first episode in January and it’s now February 14 (as I write this).

So, what happened?

Procrastination and distraction that’s what.

I allowed things to get in the way.

Two days ago I set the intention to take a step forward with this podcast idea and place an order with a voiceover person I found on Fiverr (over 3 weeks ago) to create an intro for the podcast.

So I wrote up the script that I want this person to perform, went to the site and hit the order button.

Then I hit a block…

My paypal account is negative due to insufficient funds in my business bank account. I had transferred some money over to it a couple of days ago but it seems the payment hasn’t cleared yet.

So I said to myself “stuff it, I’ll do it another time.”

Now get this…

All I needed was $5 USD to place the order, and I do have more than enough funds in my personal bank account to cover it.

But I was allowing this ridiculous excuse and the voice in my head saying “wait until the payment has cleared so that you can put the charge on your business card where it should be” to stop me from moving forward.

A couple of hours passed and then it hit me…

Something deeper was going on.

I was procrastinating due to fear and I was allowing my old pattern of perfectionism to stop me from doing what I want to do!

Was I going to let something as silly as fear and a $5 payment stop me from achieving my goal?


Procrastination and distraction are often symptoms of fear. Ask yourself ‘what’s REALLY going on?’. (Tweet this)

So I pulled out my debit card and placed the order.

It’s time that I got off my butt and get this podcast out.


Now do I know EVERYTHING that I need to know about getting a podcast up and running?

No… I don’t.

I figure I’ll just work it out along the way, and there are a couple of friends in my Momentum Warriors community who have already been podcasting on a regular basis, who can offer some tips on how to get it done.

So I’m committed to launching my podcast this month and I want YOU to keep me accountable for making it happen (which is why I’m sharing this story here)!

I’m calling it “Transitions”, and its purpose is to provide practical tips, insights, and interviews with inspiring entrepreneurs and career changers who have successfully transitioned to meaningful, fulfilling and financially sustainable careers.

Topics on the podcast will include personal branding, career resources, digital marketing, entrepreneurship, and small business advice.

Sign up here to receive updates on the launch as well as info about upcoming episodes of my podcast.


To end this post I wanted to share a quote. I think it gives great insight into how you can overcome fear…

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” — Dale Carnegie (tweet this)

So what’s ONE thing that you’ve been procrastinating on that you know will move you one step closer to where you want to go?

More importantly… What are you going to do about it?



Anfernee Chansamooth
Becoming An Entrepreneur

Helping lifestyle entrepreneurs create better marketing & happier marriages. Content Strategist | Writer | Speaker