7 Things Only Really INTELLIGENT People Do!

I think that smart people are more flexible in adapting, and this way they can be successful in different environments.

Gokhan Yalcuk
Become Better


Photo by Bakhrom Tursunov on Unsplash

1. Their ability to adapt is highly developed

Smart people are more flexible in adapting, so they can be successful in different environments.

As Donna F. Hammett puts it, intelligent people must adapt their situation to “consider what can be done regardless of the complications or restrictions placed upon them.”

2. They try to accept and understand the subjects they do not know

Intelligent people can admit this when they are not familiar with certain concepts.

As Jim Winer said, smart people, are those who aren’t afraid to say “I don’t know.”

Not knowing is not permanent. If they don’t know, they can find out.

3. They have an insatiable curiosity

Albert Einstein said in a statement: “I have no special talents, I am just passionately curious.”

A study published in the Journal of Individual Differences in 2016 suggested a link between childhood intelligence and openness to experience.

By observing people born in the UK for 50 years, researchers found that 11-year-olds with a higher IQ are more open to experiences and experiences at age 50.

4. They read too much

Cheikh Mbacke Diop says smart people tend to be more literate as they are very inquisitive.

Looking back, many of the world’s most successful people — Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, Oprah — say they educate themselves by reading and experiencing.

5. They are open-minded

Smart people do not close themselves off to new ideas or opportunities.

Hammett said that smart people are “willing to value other opinions and to accept and consider them broad-mindedly” and are “open to alternative solutions.”

“We find that an intelligent person has a strong reluctance to accept things at face value, and therefore the idea is not credible unless presented with multiple proofs,” says Alas.

7. Self-control skills are developed

“Intelligent people overcome impulsiveness by planning, setting goals, exploring alternative methods, and anticipating the results of a job,” says Zoher Ali.

A 2009 study published in the journal Psychological Science revealed a link between willpower and intelligence.

Within the scope of the study, two financial options were presented to the participants; they would either receive a small payment at that time or a larger payment at a later date.

It was noticed that participants who chose to receive larger payments in the future (who were more willful) generally scored higher on intelligence tests.

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Gokhan Yalcuk
Become Better

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