All Children Are Innocent

All children are innocent.

Ibrahim Efe
Become Better
4 min readJun 5, 2024


Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash

These terrorists are mainly attacking the most helpless, defenseless, the innocent, the weakest. The future of a country. They are not only murderers of the present, they are thieves of the future of these people. They are stealing their hope, their willpower, their rights, their lands.

These vile creatures, reptilian monsters are targeting children on purpose. This is no accident. And we are all watching as they do this in front of our eyes. Some are supporting these satanic acts because they worship the devil as well, while others are trying to ignore this so they can carry on living their regular lives. This group is continuing to buy products and services from brands who are owned by these zionists. So in a way, they are financing the killing of children.

They are supporting genocide. Buying bombs and chemical weapons so these devil worshippers can murder more children.

And a few, but rising in numbers all over the world, are protesting and doing whatever they can within their power to stop this sick ritual from taking place.

the sacrifing of children for their satan.

The videos of children on social media show that they have no clue why this is happening to them. They can’t comprehend it. The terror in their eyes. The terror they saw at such a young age which they will carry with them for as long as they live. That is, if they survive these zionist terrorists and live…

This shatters my heart into a million pieces. I’ve been asking myself what I can do besides praying for them and that is why I decided to write this piece. I had to let it out. Just so even if one of them reads this, they know that they are not alone. They might be by themselves in the terror-zone, without food and water, and shelter, bombs constantly flying over their heads, but just so they know that you are not alone. Our prayers are with you and we will do whatever we can to stop and then defeat these terrorists. Land thieves. Child murderers. Devil worshippers. Blood drinkers.

The magnitude of this is just too much and nobody in power is doing anything to stop these terrorists from murdering children. This to me means one thing, either that they are all working together or, they are afraid of these cowards who have chosen to attack children, women, and innocent men.

They are taking a blind-eye against this and continuing to do business with the terrorist zionist state. But what goes around comes back around. Who knows if your children won’t be next on their list.

Terrorist cowards attack children. Terrorist cowards attack women. Terrorist cowards prevent aid from reaching those in need.

I’m not afraid. The Eternal One is with us. Let us be patient until the time comes for those devil worshippers. A time will come when they will be wiped off the face of the earth and be punished for murdering innocent children. Burn in eternal fire. Trapped in eternal torture. Wish to die but not allowed to do so.

Let us preserve our hope. It’s getting darker day-by-day but this is actually good news in a weird way. This way we will finally see who works for the light and who for the dark. Light shines brightest in the dark. That is when it’s of the greatest use.

who needs light when the sun is out?

We are going to win. This is guranteed by the holy book. We are going to win. The plans these terrorists have will be unmade by the plans of the One. But we need to fight against these devil worshippers until that day comes.

Help to awaken each other. Love and care for one another. Do good deeds. Help those in need. Spread the word of the One. Fight evil with good. Fight darkness with light. Fight the devil with the words of the One. By being one with the One. By being Allah’s army and helpers on earth.

And above all, be patient. Allah doesn’t make mistakes. There is a reason for everything. Just do what you can and wait because Allah is waiting as well.

And never be afraid. These satanic cowards are afraid of us. That’s why they are targeting children. They know what will happen to them in an equal fight.

The whole world, countries, international organizations, governments, banks, companies and “powerful people” might be on their side. Just remember that we have Allah. Be on Allah’s side and just feel the strength within you. Allah will protect and guard us against these devil worshippers. Allah will lead us to victory. Just trust in Allah and surrender yourself.

I’m not afraid because I know I’m under the protection of Allah. Only what Allah allows will happen.

We have Allah, they don’t.

Be adamant in your faith.

We will win.

Allah is waiting. So are we.

All will be well.

