Hustle & Bustle of Life

The struggle never ends as long as we breathe. Every new day is a new challenge for millions across the globe. It’s like life is a game and the difficulty level of this game is always set to ‘extreme’.

Ibrahim Efe
Become Better
3 min readMar 27, 2024


Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

No easy days

No off-days

Due to the current situation of the world, most people have no time or means to enjoy life. Life has become something they try to survive each and every day that they are alive.

Work in 2–3 jobs, pay the bills, can’t afford a vacation, no off-days. The only entertainment option is cheap entertainment mainly through social media.

There is no time to live in such a life. It’s just a constant struggle to provide for yourself and your family the most basic needs to continue surviving. And, the worst thing is that there is no way out for millions. Or, I should say, the chances are slim. Very slim.

is there light at the end of the tunnel?

They give these people social media, Netflix, and shopping to control them. Chain them. Keep the masses in check so they are quieted. Thus, the masses fall into a deep sleep. One so deep that it’s extremely hard to wake up from.

“man is born free but everywhere is in chains”

So what happens even when working in 2–3 jobs doesn’t cut it anymore for millions. When they face homelessness and hunger. When even these basic needs aren’t being met. When millions of illegal immigrants are arriving and filling cities all across the world.

utter chaos

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

The world is headed someplace chaotic. I can see it. It looks like everything is in order but it’s not. Whatever they’re doing, they’re doing it in front of our eyes and most of us are either ignoring this and carrying on with our normal lives or just blind to see what’s coming.

they are giving us warnings but do we want to see them and wake up from our deep sleep

The world is changing at a rapid pace. It’s no longer the world we know. It’s a new world, a new kind of way to live, and survive. But the question to ask is, is it better for humanity and all life here on earth.

It’s like the whole world is in a dark comedy and we are all actors and viewers at the same time in this series. We don’t mind what’s happening because we stopped caring long ago. Even worst, we lost the ability to care for someone else.

innocent people, mainly women and kids are dying. they have been dying for months now. does anyone care besides the ones who have been directly effected by it.

Nevertheless, there is hope. There always is hope.

The world is a very dark place right now but this is just preparation for the light to shine brighter and on a greater scale. This darkness and cruelty is making way for goodness to arrive and takeover so have no fear.

Darkness is just a prerequisite to lightness. Rest assured that the world will be a loving and caring place again. We just have to be patient but fight bad with good until evil can’t find shelter anymore.

do good deeds and leave no room for evil to survive

Evil wants us to fight evil with evil so we lose ourselves and become evil as well. But no, our job as good people is to always rid this world from evil by doing what’s good, what’s right. If there is a way, that is the only way I know and I don’t know any other.

It’s time we got together to do what’s good, what’s right while we still have a chance to brighten up this dark hole.

It might be too late tomorrow. The time to start is today. Right now.

So what are you waiting for.


