What is a “Writer’s Piggy Bank”? — Start Saving Today

I started filling my piggy bank too late, but after reading this article you will have no excuse

Gokhan Yalcuk (EN)
Become Better


Photo by Erik Brolin on Unsplash

Last three years on my Medium, I would only write stories, and after publishing my articles, I would leave without “knocking on the doors” of other writers — without communicating.

I thought I could be successful just by writing stories.

I thought that by just writing on the platform without communicating with anyone, everything would work out in time.

For the first two years, I wrote a story almost every day. Then I would leave Medium after sharing my articles.

After I started applying the method I found in the article below, I started to grow and generate income on Medium very quickly.

My income was fluctuating between $1-$99 for a long time, but I couldn’t build a loyal readers.

I had attended almost all the workshops and courses organized by successful Medium writers.

They were all giving information on writing techniques and story editing.

Maybe learning these things was seriously improving my writing style, but there was something missing that I always felt from the inside.

6 months ago, shortly after I opened a new blog and set the goal of reaching the top from scratch by writing in Turkish (Native Language) on Medium, I had finally found the deficiency that was killing me from the inside.

Once I found what I was missing, I immediately started practicing and soon felt the incredible effects.

Although the topic of this article had been on my mind for a while, I couldn’t decide on a title until I started writing.

Suddenly I came up with “Writer’s Piggy Bank”. Let’s start with the definition of a piggy bank.

My definition of a piggy bank is a little different from TDK’s and it is not something in which coins or paper money is accumulated as defined there.

According to me; “Piggy Bank” is a place where material or moral value is accumulated in order to be opened when needed.

Therefore, a piggy bank can be something tangible or digital.

Before going into the details of the piggy bank, I would like to ask you a few questions.

Then I will tell you about my piggy bank and its benefits for me.

Are you just trying to increase your followers and income on Medium, your blog, etc.?

If you have an urgent need to communicate something to your loyal readers, how will you do it?

Will you deliver the announcement by writing a story on the platforms where you write?

I’m sorry to give you some bad information.

If you have 300 followers and your followers only read your posts when they feel like it, you are very lucky if 25% of your total number of followers read your announcement.

What should we do to avoid this situation?
I have several “Writer’s Piggy Banks” and I keep them all in different places.

Let’s proceed in order.

  1. My first piggy bank is on “my personal blog which I add to the end of each story and present to my readers.
Source: Screenshot by Author

2. My second piggy bank is the Online Writing Newsletter, which I add to the end of each story and tell my readers special writing techniques.

You can always see my same piggy banks at the end of my articles on all my blogs, Blog TRBlog ENMedium TRMedium EN.

So why am I doing this and what am I filling my “Writer’s Piggy Bank” for?
I will give one example.

Last week, we came together as Turkish writers on Medium and decided to establish a “Discord Writers Community”.

We took quick action and immediately designed and launched the community.

I immediately wanted to announce this to my loyal readers and immediately published the following post on Medium to announce the opening of the community.

Please take a look at the read statistics of the announcement.

Source: Screenshot by Author

I even published this announcement without MPP for unlimited reading to reach more people.

As of now, although I have about 400 followers in Medium TR account, the number of views and reads of the announcement remained at 57 and 36 respectively.

Not even 10% of the total number of followers read it.

Now you understand why I said in the first paragraph of my article above that you are lucky if 25% of your audience reads your announcements.

After a short while, I immediately thought of my “Writer’s Piggy Bank” that I have been saving for a while.

By the way, “Writer’s Piggy Bank” consist of our loyal readers.

Your loyal audience has agreed to be included in your piggy bank for a value they get from you.

The most important detail is that Writer’s Piggy Banks are very unlikely to be unread.

Because inside your piggy bank are the e-mail addresses of your loyal readership.

I opened all my piggy banks. I had around 500 loyal readers. I sent an announcement e-mail to almost all of them.

The response time and the feedback was excellent.

That’s why I chose to call it the “Writer’s Piggy Bank” where the most valuable things are kept.

How Can You Fill Your Author Piggy Bank?
If you provide coaching or consulting, you should prepare an e-book — a presentation — VIP member videos — a training, etc. and present an important asset to your loyal audience on a golden tray.

Your loyal readers will be the first group to support you when the day comes and you open your piggy bank and ask for their support.

For example, you may publish a book in the future — you may organize an event — you may organize a event.

Every business you can think of has something to offer to your loyal readership.

Never see your loyal audience as a source of income.

First you have to offer them value on a golden platter. — G.Y.

And when the day comes and you open your piggy bank, they will be with you at “THAT MOMENT” when you need them the most.

If you want to be in the most valuable place of my piggy bank. I am leaving the relevant links below.

To inspire all new writers and keep their motivation high, I’ve prepared a newsletter where I share all the techniques I learned last 5 years, Join Here.



Gokhan Yalcuk (EN)
Become Better

Founder of Türkiye Publications mediumturkiye.com | turkiyeyayini.com Passionate Blogger | I Support Writers & Bloggers to Monetize Their Words Online