Writing Is The Best Way Of Thinking

The Most Fulfilling Cycle of Life is Reading and Writing.

Eren Gökyer - EN
Become Better
3 min readFeb 24, 2024


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“Reading fills a man. Speaking prepares him. Writing matures him.” Francis Bacon

Writing is an act of solitude.

The reader actually shares the writer’s loneliness while writing. Because the reader is also alone at the time. Out of this solitude of production and consumption emerges an extraordinary communication.

Words are like rivers in which both the writer and the reader are washed and purified. For this reason, they want to read and write constantly.

For them, meeting with the pages is like meeting with life.

The more they read, the more they want to write; the more they write, the more they want to read.

Writing is also an act of focusing.

When we write, if we can close the doors of our perceptions from the inside, not from the outside, we can write no matter how crowded and noisy the environment we are in. But if we close the doors of our perception from the outside, all intruders invade our minds and we cannot write, even in the silence of the desert.

Writing is the best way to think.

Writing is a great way to align the tens and hundreds of thoughts that live in our minds.

Thinking on paper helps us to gather and prioritize our thoughts that seem scattered and jumbled. It relaxes the mind.

Writing encourages us to keep a good relationship with pen and paper. It even makes it compulsory.

Brain Tracy makes the following observation: “Only 3 percent of adults have clear, written goals. These people were five to ten times more successful than people with the same or superior education and abilities, but who could not put down on paper exactly what they wanted.”

French writer Margueritte Duras says;

“Man harbors a stranger inside him. Writing is to reach that stranger.”

Reading, thinking and writing are very good tools to recognize the stranger within us.

Writing is also a matter of emotion.

“Unexpressed emotions never die, they are only buried alive.” Sigmund Freud

When people realize that they are not understood by speaking, it is a relief to express the feelings that we cannot express by writing, to put them on paper.

Especially when you find the courage to share these feelings on platforms such as Medium, if you feel that you are understood without being judged or marginalized by people whose faces you have never even seen, if you enter into sharing, writing is healing for you.

Because people are connected to each other by invisible bonds.

“Writing is the work of those who cannot endure real life, who cannot pretend.” Louis-Ferdinand Céline

Writing is a harbor where we take refuge. To protect ourselves, to be comfortable and understood.

For many years I have been very arrested about writing. But I am in a process where I have started to overcome this imprisonment. I am going through an incredibly pleasant and painful transformation process at the same time.

I have started to discipline my brain about writing. I realize that I still have a long way to go. At this point, I would like to talk about a community of writers that I am a part of.

Medium Turkey publishing group. You can access the content produced by great people at www.mediumturkiye.com

Medium Turkey publishing group is a group that aims to produce quality content with a philosophy and purpose.

Medium constantly encourages to produce quality content in accordance with SEO rules, shares ways and opens ways to earn income from blogging.

I would like to especially thank Mr. Gokhan Yalcuk - EN

It is another beauty to be in sharing and companionship with my qualified friends in the Discord group he created.

If you want to be a part of our developing community, you can access the articles of our other writers through mediumturkiye.com and you can join our Discord group from the link below.

With love.

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