Take a stand, make a difference!

Dhruv Mathur
Becoming I Foundation-VIT
4 min readJun 4, 2022

“When we save children, we save ourselves”.

“The solution of adult problems tomorrow depends in large measure upon the way our children grow up today. There is no greater insight into the future than recognizing that, when we save children, we save ourselves.” ~ Margaret Mead

Every child we encounter is a divine appointment. They are loaned to us from the heavens above to treat them with compassion and warmth. Having a child is the greatest and most beautiful blessing that one can hope to receive. Children make you understand the value of life. Their innocent smile deserves to be loved unconditionally and unselfishly. We have a sacred duty of instilling a foundation of values in the children that will shape their future selves. Children are somewhat like wet cement: whatever falls on them, makes an impression. Now, it depends on us, what impression are we trying to imprint on them?

The history of us humans may have been filled with great atrocities. But an act of aggression against a child? …may be one of the most devilish atrocities one can commit.

The International Day of Innocent Children Victim of Aggression was created by the United Nations General Assembly on August 19, 1982, with a focus on victims of the Lebanon war. The UNGA was horrified by the number of innocent children of Palestine and the Lebanese Republic who fell victim to Israel’s aggressions. Later, it was intended to recognize the suffering of children around the world who are victims of physical, mental, and emotional abuse. While today, June 4, honours the UN’s commitment to defend children’s rights, the organization’s goal is to educate the public about pressing concerns, mobilize political will and resources to address global issues and reinforce humanity’s goals.

Violence against children includes all forms of violence against people under 18 years old, whether perpetrated by parents or other caregivers, peers, romantic partners, or strangers. Globally, it is estimated that up to 1 billion children aged 2–17 years have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional violence or neglect in the past year. According to UNGA (Un General Assembly), there are six violations to report on violation against children:

· Killing or maiming of children

· Recruitment or use of children as soldiers

· Sexual violence against children

· Abduction of children

· Attack against schools or hospitals

· Denial of humanitarian access for children

The aggression can be of any form, may it be physical or mental. When a caregiver purposefully denies child-appropriate care or wilfully inflicts pain or hurt on a child while disciplining them, this is known as child abuse. It involves physical injuries such as bruises, scrapes, welts, or fractured bones. The harm done to a kid by bodily contact with a wicked intent is known as physical child abuse. It can occur as a result of a child being beaten, kicked, punched, bit, burned, shaken, or otherwise physically harmed. That is, it is a deliberate act. It’s deliberate if you perceive it as a way to assert control, demand respect, and prove or demonstrate your status as a caregiver.

On the other hand, most caregivers have accepted emotional child abuse as the norm. They feel that hurting their children emotionally allows them to maintain control, and if they continue to disobey, they will physically abuse them. It is, nevertheless, the most harmful form of maltreatment, as it has an impact on their emotional, mental, and physical well-being, as well as their social and cognitive development. It’s a deliberate act including fear, anger, and humiliation to control, subdue, or isolate a youngster. It includes verbal abuse and continual criticism, as well as more covert tactics like intimidation and manipulation, as well as neglect and dissatisfaction.

A youngster who has been emotionally or physically mistreated believes they are unworthy of ever receiving love and affection. It has an impact on their mental health because they are more accepting of depression, fear, and worry. They become more susceptible to dangerous and possible unlawful activities to relieve themselves of their pain. They may injure themselves if proper precautions are not taken. And if they make it through, they will carry their traumatic past with them making yet another upcoming generation, prone to aggression.

It’s time for us to put an end to all sorts of child maltreatment. The modern era allows us to speak for the unspoken and shed light on those who require it. It is certainly not possible for social media to reach every nook and corner but what’s possible, is the combined efforts of us all that can help children and victims of aggression get an appropriate upbringing and quality life. Vulnerable children or concerned observant can reach out to the “1098” Tele Helpline Model and access the toll-free services 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

An act of aggression or violence is never the answer. We must protect their innocent smiles and give them a childhood worth remembering, a period with the fondest of memories. Provided with the right tools to succeed, they will succeed beyond their wildest dreams. A little love and understanding with children go a long way in shaping their personalities positively.

