Coming soon to Cisco.

Liam Ashtyn
Becoming Liam
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2020

I recently wrote this to share in a video for Cisco.

My earliest memories of wishing to wake up with the correct body date back to when I was maybe 5 or 6. I always wanted to wear “boy clothes”. I wanted to grow up to look like the latest male heartthrob on the cover of teen magazines.

But growing up in a small town and thinking that something might be “wrong with me” just didn’t allow for the experience and acceptance that I needed to be me.

So, later in life, I came out as a lesbian because I could at least somehow understand that, even though acceptance from others still wouldn’t come so easily.

Fast forward to Valentine’s Day of 2020. My wife and I had recently watched a documentary about transgender people, and I knew that it was time for me to finally be free. I muted the TV and told my wife that I needed to tell her something. With every bit of courage, I had, I announced that I was transgender and wanted “to be a man.”

Much to my surprise, my wonderful wife said, “Ok. I love you for who you are on the inside, not what’s on the outside,” and she’s been my biggest cheerleader and pillar of strength through it all. Telling my father and the rest of my family was a different story. They basically abandoned me. However, with the support of my wife, her family, friends, and colleagues, I am finally on the journey I wish I had started much earlier in life.

I started testosterone shots in March. Most recently, I had my legal name change approved by the clerk of courts. What a day that was. I felt like Rocky Balboa coming down the steps of the courthouse.

My journey hasn’t been an easy one, but with the support of so many, and the small victories along the way, I am finally on the path to be the person I’ve always wanted to be.

To help me as well as others, I started a blog to document the ups and downs of my journey and to provide an outlet for me, as well as others — during those times when the roadblocks and hurdles of this journey become too difficult.

My advice to others — Be true to yourself. Live your life authentically. It may not always be easy, but it is far better than the alternative. Know that you may face rejection from some people, but you will find acceptance and love from many.

Now…let’s hope I can record it in less than 2 minutes. 😊😊😊

Love to all!


