It’s Been a While

Liam Ashtyn
Becoming Liam
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2020

Wow…I just realized how long it’s been since I posted an update to my blog.

Well…I just had a birthday on Dec. 2nd…and for the first time in years, I didn’t get a phone call, text…or even a card from my dad. He hasn’t had anything to do with me — hasn’t contacted me since February-March of this year. He didn’t even check on me after either of my surgeries — though I had major complications. I guess he has really written me off. I think I’m going to send him a Christmas card and sign it, “Happy Holidays. I’m doing fine. Hope you are. Liam.”

I recently was referred to Pivot Physical Therapy for my scar tissue and edema treatment and therapy. I’ve only been there twice, but so far I really like the two therapists that are working with me. During my last appointment, the therapist said she did not understand at all why the edema wasn’t draining. I had no lymph nodes removed during surgery…and it’s been September. The only thing she could come up with is that the scar tissue may in fact be blocking it. So we have to get that under control to help with the edema. She gave me strict orders:

  1. Little to no caffeine
  2. Water, water, water…and more water
  3. Exercises that I can do
  4. Massaging of the scar tissue and edema
  5. Compression to be worn as much as possible
  6. No more sitting to work (thus I now have a standing desk)

I’m hoping that all of this works and I’ll start to see some significant relief and a decrease in the swelling very soon. I’d love for it to be down at least a bit by Christmas. What an awesome gift that would be. Yesterday, I started measuring my stomach and I’m going to continue doing that every day, so I can see if we’re making any progress.

I have my next follow-up appointment with Dr. Norwood at Mosaic Comprehensive Care tomorrow. She’s going to go over the results of my recent bloodwork — to make sure that all is well with my testosterone dosage. I’m keeping my ✌ that there won’t be any “bad” news with that.

I also have another physical therapy appointment tomorrow. Looks like I’ll have 2–3 per week. So thankful that I work for a company like Cisco that allows me to put my mental, emotional, and physical health first.

After Christmas, I’m going to focus on getting the last of my legal documents changed. The only thing I have left to change is my passport. That one appears to be the one that takes the longest and is the biggest headache.

I’m still planning on making another video, but I’m trying to decide if I’m brave enough to record one that includes a shot of my chest (so everyone can see the progress since September). It still doesn’t look good (in my opinion), and I’m sure I’ll have to have at least one more surgery months from now…but it’s a hell of a lot better than it was just a month ago.



