Legal Name and Gender Marker Change — Day 2

Liam Ashtyn
Becoming Liam
Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2020

Video below is a quick update on the steps I took on Day 2 in this process.

Now it’s a waiting game as the SBI manually does my background check and sends it back via snail mail. According to them, it takes 2–5 days from the whole process. We’ll see.

I still don’t understand why this process has to be so long…and so frustrating — but no surprise, considering it’s North Carolina.

At this point, I’ve spent:

  • $50.00 for FBI background check
  • $14.00 for SBI background check
  • $27.00 for two copies of my certified birth certificate (have to have at least one to take to the courthouse)

The journey continues…

