My New “Birthday” — July 2, 2020

Liam Ashtyn
Becoming Liam
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2020

Good news!!!

On Thursday, July 2, 2020, my legal name change was approved and recorded by the clerk of courts! Thus I have declared July 2, 2020 as my new birthday. 🎂🎉🎈

While most members of my family still refuse to accept and support me, my wife, daughter and some of my friends helped me celebrate this amazing day! My wife actually turned it into a weekend celebration that lasted through Sunday night.

July 2, 2020 — My New Birthday

After leaving the courthouse Thursday, my wife and I spent time with good friends, cooking out and hanging out in their pool.

Friday, my daughter and her girlfriend took us kayaking in Washington, NC, and we enjoyed some good food and drinks at Backwater Jacks.

Saturday I cooked on the Blackstone, my daughter’s girlfriend made one of my favorite desserts (key lime cheesecake), and my mother-in-law came to celebrate with us.

Yesterday evening we spent time with more friends. Had a great dinner, popped open some champagne and celebrated a bit more.

Nothing like celebrating this moment with family and friends, and some “Pride” champagne. My buddy even shared a toast to me.

For anyone who is in the process of transitioning and wondering about this step of the process, I hope this helps.

I took the following documents to the courthouse July 2nd:

  • Birth certificate
  • SBI background check results
  • FBI background check results
  • Two affidavits of character (by friends who live in the same county)
  • Petition for legal name change (It’s important to ensure that this is filled out completely with no errors.)
  • Check for $120. (Credit and debit cards are accepted, but there is a fee.)

Within 10 minutes, everything had been approved and the clerk of courts handed me the Order & Certificate of Name Change (stamped and signed).😁 And as I stated in my video, I walked out of that courthouse feeling like Rocky Balboa! There are not enough words to describe how amazing I felt!

Next steps:

  • Change my name with the Social Security Administration. Currently all SSA offices are closed due to COVID-19, but it looks like I can mail in the form with the appropriate documents. I have emailed them to find out.
  • Change my name and gender marker on my NCDL. That can’t be done until at least 36 hours after my legal name has been changed with the SSA.

I’ll keep everyone posted here — as always.


☮ and💗 to all of you!


